Sunday, December 29, 2019

Yalta Essays - 1449 Words

The Yalta Conference nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Yalta Conference was one of the most important events in history, let alone, this century. It took place from February 4 to February 11, 1945, at Yalta, Crimea, a port/resort. The three main individuals at this meeting were Churchill of Great Britain, Roosevelt of the United States and Stalin of the U.S.S.R, known back then, and now known as Russia. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Roosevelt had two primary goals at Yalta, and he secured them both, during the negotiations. One these key objectives was to involve Stalin in the war against Japan. The Americans had lost too many people since the battles fought with Australia against Japan were bloody ones. And, since it was not clear†¦show more content†¦Churchill took the initiative on this issue, arguing with great energy that France be given both and occupation zone and a seat of the ACC. The British prime minister was understandable anxious to engage France in the task of occupying and controlling Germany in the general to rebuild French power with a view to help offset the Soviet military presence in Central Europe. After much behind the scenes talks and debates, FDR was finally convinced to give France a seat in the ACC. Stalin agreed, but it in no way affected the size of the Soviet occupation, so it was of no real interest to him. It had always been understood that any zon e for France would be formed out of part of the British and American zones, already made out. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Churchill’s concern about particular issues reflected in his apprehension that the United States would not maintain an armed presence in Europe. Stalin had noted that a prolonged presence of American military forces would be necessary in Europe. In reply to Stalin’s comment, he said that American forces should not stay very long. This opinion was underlined by FDR when in a telegram to Churchill he stated that â€Å"You know, of course that after Germany’s collapse I must bring American troops home as rapidly as transportation problems will permit†(2). So, it came as no surprise to Churchill, when at Yalta, FDR stated that AmericanShow MoreRelatedChekhovs Love Talent: Angle [The Darling] and The Lady with the Little Dog Compare and contrast foreshadowing, setting, and characterization elements of fiction in both stories.2485 Words   |  10 Pageswith the Little Dog once Dmitri tells a fellow doctor about the charming woman he mee ts in Yalta, the foreshadowing is that Gurov will see Anna again if he continues to think about her. The doctor calls out on his sleigh while leaving from dinner, You were right earlier; the sturgeon was a bit off! (306). He cannot believe that Gurov, with an attractive wife is talking about another woman who he meets in Yalta. 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Three countries attended the Yalta Conference, the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. These countries were represented by President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Premier Joseph Stalin. The main goal of the conference was to establish how Germany and the rest of Europe should be divided after the war in Europe had come to an e nd. President Roosevelt wanted the formation of an organizationRead MoreThe Soviet Union And The Korean War985 Words   |  4 Pages Several factors influenced the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States, such as the Yalta Conference and the Korean War. These events played a role in diminishing the former allies relationship. The tension between the Soviet Union and America began with the European wars, when they were allied with Britain. A factor that immediately caused a division between the two groups was from the Soviet Union only focusing on the situation in Germany with Hitler. 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Unlike Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt did not want collective security just for the sheer sake of it, he was a skilled politician, and knew that creating a new world organization would mean that he could justify the war to the American people. A â€Å"lasting peace† was the aimRead MoreThe United States and the Beginning of the Cold War1600 Words   |  7 Pages Poland criticised Stalin. Later, Stalin exploited the Red Army’s occupation of Poland in 1944 to set up a pro-Soviet government called the Lublin Committee and to fix Russia’s boundaries with Poland. This concern was discussed at the Yalta conference by the big three, Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill in February 1945. Churchill and Roosevelt rejected to the revision of Poland’s eastern border and asked the London Poles to be included in the Committee and free Polish electionsRead MoreExploring the Factors Contributing to the Development of the Cold War508 Words   |  3 Pageswas a very important factor in the development of the Cold War. Churchill, Britain and Roosevelt, USA wanted Poland to be democratic whereas Stalin wanted to make sure that Polands new government was friendly towards the USSR. The Yalta Agreement had tried to achieve a compromise over the future of Poland but this was not possible because Poland would have to either be democratic or friendly towards the USSR. Stalins interpretation of democracy was different as his idea

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Summary of Industrial Convergence, Globalization, and the...

Summary Arrighi,G,. Silver,J,B,. and Brewer,D,B,. 2003. Industrial Convergence, Globalization, and the Persistence of the North-South Divide. Studies in Comparative International Development. p.3-31 Through the use of descriptive and comparative analysis, the authors intend on demonstrating that the convergence of the industrialization gap was not accompanied by a convergence in the income levels gap between former First World and Third World countries. Thus, the North-South divide still exists. Through economic models, the persistence of the North-South income divide is explained. Simultaneously, the authors discuss the development project and globalization project and how the shifts occurred. Additionally, the reproduction of the†¦show more content†¦Due to this legacy, it is anticipated that decolonization and industrialization of Third World countries would reduce the North-South divide. The authors moreover, explain that theories of national development believed that industrialization was essential for Third World countries to attain wealth standards of the First World countries. This became the objective of the Third World development efforts and the narrowing of the industrialization gap was the instrument through which this would be achieved (Arrighi,G,. Silver,J,B,. and Brewer,D,B,. 2003.p.6). This subsequently led to synonymous use of industrialization and development. To conclude this subsection, the authors provide reasons to why the paper focuses on industrialization and the North-South divide. Firstly, the reasons for focusing on industrialization are because the authors wish to verify empirically the validity of the theory (or assumption) that industrialization is the most effective means of achieving the development efforts objective. Further reasons include that industrialization has costs and benefits, but these quantifiable costs are visible and invisible. On the other hand, the focus on the North-South divide is aimed at assessing the success or failure of the Third World development efforts. In the next subsection, the authors use empiricalShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2 005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesAmerican History. Revised and Expanded Edition E SSAYS ON _ T WENTIETH- C ENTURY H ISTORY Edited by Michael Adas for the American Historical Association TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS PHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by

Friday, December 13, 2019

Atlantic Aquaculture Free Essays

Atlantic Aquaculture, Inc. Capital Budgeting with Staged Entry Question 1 A – Even though Atlantic Aquaculture already bought the land needed for 300,000 USD, its value today is 900,000 USD. We can therefore conclude the 900,000 USD is an opportunity cost as the land can be sold at this value. We will write a custom essay sample on Atlantic Aquaculture or any similar topic only for you Order Now B – In this case it is best for the company to use the option to the land acquisition. By calculating the NPV the option is worth $-852,093. 66. Buying the land without the option would bring the company back to $-900,000. 00. We used a discount rate of 6%, as this is linked with the appreciation of the land annually. The calculation of the NPV can be found in Appendix A. Question 2 A – The RD cash flows are $48,000 annually for the years 1998, 1999 and 2000. In 1996 we are able to shield taxes with the appreciation. At a tax rate of 40% this result in a tax shield worth $144,000. B – From the case is known that the salvage value will only be taxed when the buildings are actually sold, as long as the asset’s value is half of the book value the sale will go through with. Take note that a 40% tax rate is used to calculate the tax shield. C – The cash flows are shown in the Appendix B. Question 3 As can be seen in the Appendix C the large project, while taking into account a rwacc of 9% and the expectation that there will be high demand and high growth opportunities for the firm’s products; the Net Present Value of the firm will be $17,140,000. 00. An Internal Rate of Return will be realized of 25. 83%. Furthermore the MIRR is calculated as 21. 54% and the payback period of the project is 7. 05 years. Taking all other factors the same, when the firm is building a small facility, the NPV would be $11,723,000. 00, the IRR 23. 39%, the MIRR 18. 5% and the period in which the costs will be paid back 7. 18 years. Question 4 A – In the Appendix the decision trees are shown and the following elements deserve attention. The nodes start with having high/low demand being 10,000 or 5,000 respectively. There is a 75% chance demand will be high, while 25% probability that demand will be low. The following pair of nodes, given differing probabilities (as can be see n in the Appendix) leads to the yearly cash flows. In de first years it is obvious that the cash flows are negative as the start-up investments have some weight on the cash flows. From 1998 onwards, as sales start to increase and costs decrease the flows of cash are positive. In row three and four the cash flows, given a low demand of 5,000 units sold with their corresponding probabilities. It is clear that the costs definitely outweigh the revenues for the first few years, more than in the ‘best-case’ term in rows one and two. Interesting to see that in the final row, there is only a positive cash flow recorded in the final year of the project. In this case we can explain the NPV values of all probabilities very straightforward. With the given information the cash flows will be negative in case the demand will be low. However we need to make a remark on this simplification of the results. By calculating the expected NPV (which is the sum of the probabilities of each high/low demand occurring times their corresponding NPVs). This gives in the end a positive NPV so investors can assume this project will be successful. B – The abandonment lines basically represent a situation in which the project is stopped for continuation. What is interesting to notice is that the NPV of the project that continued are lower than the projects where the project was dismantled. Note too that this only applies to the situation in where a low demand is expected. The NPV in those cases when the projects are abandoned is equal to the salvage value of the equipment and buildings. C – As the flexibility of the project gets smaller, the NPV will get smaller and due to higher volatility the standard deviation will increase. Question 5 A – Due to the fact that there is an extra decision node the tree looks bigger. This extra decision is namely the decision to expand the plant or leave it in its current state. B – As this is not possible to trace back from the information we can retrieve from the case. As the decision to expand or not to expand lies at the responsibility of the managers at the firm, probabilities are not able to be calculated here. However, the manager will always choose the option with the higher NPV. Question 6 As can be seen from the given data, in terms of expected Net Present Values, the large plant seems to have a big advantage over the smaller project with NPVs of $9,028,000 and $8,062,000 respectively. On the risk side however the standard deviation of the small project is almost half of the large project. It is important to mention at this point that building a new plant appears riskier. In accordance to that one should use a risk adjustment incorporated in the cost of capital which should be higher that the discount rate of the small project. Question 7 As the risk coefficient of the large project is 1. 15 and it is known that most projects of Atlantic lie between 0. 5 and 0. 7 the large project is considered to be a lot more risky compared to the small project which has a risk coefficient of just 0. 65. Question 8 The reassessment of possibilities has the consequence that standard deviation, covariance and NPV change as well. Lrge Plant| D=60% G=50%| D=75% G= 80%| D=90% G=90%| Small Plant| D=60% G= 50%| D=75% G=80%| D=90% G=90%| E(NPV)| 3327,95| 9028,20| 13459,36| E(NPV)| 6314,35| 8008,17| 10049,99| Std. Dev| 9827,17| 10341,43| 7869,12| Std. Dev| 4871,06| 5375,57| 4017,85| Coeff. Of Var. | 2,95| 1,15| 0,58| Coeff. Of Var. | 0,77| 0,67| 0,40| The results show that an increase in demand and growth probabilities for both of the plants (small and large) results in a higher expected NPV, lower standard deviation and lower correlation, leading to a higher risk- return payoff. Decreasing initial demand to 60% and high growth possibilities to 50% simultaneously, leads to a decrease in expected NPV, while increasing standard deviation and the covariance leading to a lower risk- return payoff. Furthermore, one can observe that in absolute and in relative terms, the impact on the small plant of increasing/decreasing initial demand and growth opportunities does not have as a great influence as on the large plant. Question 9 A sensitivity analysis can help to underline the most important factors affecting the success of a firm or a project. In this case we have articulated success in terms of NPV and have used input factors such as variable costs, units sold, sales price and WACC). With respect to the two different plants one can observe that NPV is relatively more sensitive to the mentioned factors in the case of the small plant. Furthermore, regarding the line of sales prices one can see that this is by far the line with the highest positive slope (coefficient), while fixed costs has the shallowest slope. The interpretation therefore is that sales prices have the biggest impact on expected NPV. Furthermore it is worth mentioning that the slope (and the impact) of WACC is quite high (negative) for the large plant. Since the variable costs for the large plant are lower at a rate of 60% compared to 65% of the small plant, one can observe that the sensitivity of the small plant’s NPV is also relatively high. Question 10 In the Case of scenario analysis it is important to mention that in contrast to the analysis mentioned above, probabilities are appointed to each of the different scenarios. Atlantic Aquaculture Inc. uses best and worst case scenarios (high initial demand/ low initial demand). In addition to that, a scenario analysis appoints a base case as well. This should be done utilizing a probability of 50% for the base scenario and probabilities for the best and worst should lie at 25% respectively. Independent factors should again be inputs such as variable costs, units sold, sales price and the weighted average of the cost of capital. These inputs should be appointed to a realistic assessment of range they could approach to. The dependent variable logically should be the net present values of the different scenarios. In terms of the ranges of independent variables it should be noted, that these could be obtained by examining historical data of the company in addition to an examination and assessment of company and market environment. Question 11 A Monte Carlo simulation typically provides one with an overwhelmingly high amount of simulations, whereas a change of all the variables occurs on a random basis. However, only the average of these is of importance. The input incorporates the correlations of all the variables included. The output is then expressed in the form of samples of NPVs. It is perceived as a more sophisticated way of conducting a scenario analysis. However, it is also perceived as very delicate in terms of the conduction itself. Question 12 Indeed the abandonment opportunity represents a real put option. This is due to the fact that the company can abandon the project and receive a terminal value. However, this is only reasonable if Atlantic Aquaculture Inc. sells the plant when the salvage value is higher than the value of the discounted future cash flows otherwise received from the project. In this case the real put option would be in the money and vice versa. Regarding the decision tree, with respect to the low demand and low growth opportunity for plan L one can see that the decision of abandonment or not changes the NPV of the project from $-9. 316. 000 to $-6. 711. 000. Regarding the scenario of low initial demand and high growth opportunities the choice to abandon changes the NPV from $-6. 940. 000 to $-6. 439. 000. In both cases it appears to be feasible to abandon the project, thus the value of the put option is positive. Plan S on the other side represents a call option since one can decide to buy the facilities or not. Furthermore, the put option for the large plant can be calculated as follows: This leads us to a value of $546. 050, which indeed is positive. Question 13 In general, it can be said that both plans have a positive expected NPV overall. However, the smaller plant is the favorable option, since it provides Atlantic Aquaculture with the best risk- return payoff.. Furthermore, if opting for the large plant it is important to mention that the value of the put- option is positive, so in the worst case Atlantic Aquaculture should opt out when facing low initial demand and either low or high growth potential. However, it is also worth mentioning that a risk adjusted cost of capital should be incorporated when calculating for the NPV. Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Cash flows large firm| | | | | | | | | Year| 1996| 1997| 1998| 1999| 2000| 2001| 2002| 2003| 2004| Net income| 0| 0| 436| 438| 1122| 1806| 2521| 3202| 3990| Depreciation| 0| 0| 954| 1566| 1146| 846| 630| 630| 630| Op cash flow| 0| 0| 1390| 2004| 2268| 2652| 3151| 3832| 4620| Cap cash flow| -1044| -12300| -427| -496| -574| -711| -814| -931| 7397| Net cash flow| -1044| -12300| 962| 1509| 1694| 1940| 2337| 2900| 43940| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Cash flows small firm| | | | | | | | | Year| 1996| 1997| 1998| 1999| 2000| 2001| 2002| 2003| 2004| Net income| 0| 0| 1083| 919| 1129| 1298| 1440| 1506| 1575| Depreciation| 0| 0| 553| 920| 668| 488| 359| 359| 359| Op cash flow| 0| 0| 1636| 1840| 1798| 1787| 1799| 1865| 1934| Cap cash flow| -1044| -8364| -95| -100| -106| -160| -167| -173| 4510| Net cash flow| -1044| -8364| 1542| 1739| 1691| 1626| 1632| 1691| 19042| Appendix C | LARGE FIRM| SMALL FIRM| WACC| 9. 00%| 9. 00%| NPV| $17. 140| $7. 633| IRR| 25. 83%| 22. 78%| MIRR| 21. 54%| 17. 92%| PAYBACK | 7. 05 years| 6. 97 years| How to cite Atlantic Aquaculture, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Da Nang And Hue in My Heart Essay Example For Students

Da Nang And Hue in My Heart Essay I was born in Quang Ngai city, but my parents met each other when they came from Da Nang city and Hue city. Indeed, I feel very excited because every member in my family was born in three differences places, so it is very interesting for me to learn about. Every year, I always visit my two lovely places where I was raised when I was a child, and my grandparents feel very happy when I meet them on New Year’s Day. Da Nang and Hue are both cities that have changed in many different ways from 1995 to 2015, so it is very interesting hearing my parents tell me what things happened during these years. We will write a custom essay on Da Nang And Hue in My Heart specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now First of all, my father was born in Da Nang city, so I want to talk about the investment of the government in Da Nang city in the past twenty years. Today, Da Nang city is a big city which was built as a large port in the middle of Viet Nam, so it was developed very well by the government at that time. Since 1997, Da Nang became municipal in Viet Nam, so it has made many changes in a positive direction. For over ten years, the visitors around the world were increased for traveling through Da Nang international airport, so the government always encourages the city to develop more in many different aspects. For examples, Da Nang International Airport is being invested to upgrade totaling eighty-four million dollars by 2012 with the capacity to welcome four million passengers per year (â€Å"About†). It is a good transformation for this city because in the past, the port was very small and infamous at that time, so it is amazing for the growing fast of this city and its bright future. In addition to developing the investment of Da Nang, the landscape of the city also attracts people from everywhere with one of the best beaches in the world. In fact, My Khe beach was not popular in 1995 because Viet Nam wasn’t a well-known country in the world, and everybody really didn’t know much about Da Nang. My father clearly remembers that he didn’t see anybody go to the beach at that time because it did not attract people with the beautiful landscape. Not many people lived near beaches, so many Vietnamese denied going to My Khe beach. However, the government has made an effort to spread the very beautiful beach to the world, and everybody is now attracted by its natural beauty. For instance, â€Å"today My Khe beach is one of Asias prettiest and most historic, with yellow sand stretching for almost 20 miles, and traditional round woven boats one of the best ways to ride the waves† (â€Å"My†). This is the best comment about it, so many tourists can’t wait to see and set foot in the very special sand of this land. Moreover, the rise of many gorgeous hotels and resort plazas is very successful for this city, so many investors now realize a good chance for their business in tourism. I feel very proud of my father’s native land, so he can show me more about his favorite land. Moreover, I also like my mother’s city because the status of her city is very different and lively compared to other cities. I always love to listen to my mother’s saying when she was still a young lady, so it is very surprising when she comes back to her land after twenty years of living in another city. For examples, the Hue Bridge is very attractive and graceful nowadays because it was rebuilt and fixed for more better than the past, but she still remembers how bad of this bridge had been through the war was. .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 , .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 .postImageUrl , .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 , .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06:hover , .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06:visited , .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06:active { border:0!important; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06:active , .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06 .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf9e4cf15596cd1c91f1c739249bf9c06:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Oppositional Defiant Disorder EssayI feel very excited and really want to visit it once times because it was designed and constructed by the French Resident Superior in Central Vietnam – Là ©vesque- assigned Eiffel of France (Hue’s). It is so amazing and surprising to me because many fights have destroyed this bridge many times, but it is still very firm and undefeated. Furthermore, Hue is also my mother’s favorite place because she enjoys talking about her growing city. However, â€Å"Poetic Hue, dreamy and romantic Hue, Hue city of two World Heritages† (â€Å"Hue†) is one of the many comments about the beauty of this city, so I still remember that many things were very different from now. The Emperor Citadel is one of the biggest places that I really like because many years ago it was very ugly and old since 1995, but after five years, this place is really attractive and gorgeous. I couldn’t imagine it if I had only heard about it from my mother’s sayings, so it is very hard to deny the beauty of this place. For instance, â€Å"being one of Vietnam’s seven UNESCO World Heritages sites† (â€Å"Hue†) is very proud for Vietnamese, so Hue used to hold many concerts in the front of The Emperor Citadel. It attracts many travellers from all over the world, and the popularity of this event will increase every day and everywhere. Many places and streets are decorated by the culture of many years, so it feels very exciting and unbelievable. Finally, I would like to introduce the Festival Hue which is prepared and starts every two years in April, so it is the best cultural of Hue city. The first event was organized and arranged very small and unprofessional because in the year of 1992, Vietnam wasn’t still developed and affiliated in the area and the whole world, so it was an insignificant event and trivial at the time. After many years of improvement and reconstruction, the new face of the event was created and showed to many Vietnamese and friends from all over the world, so the standard of organization board was spread out and higher than old times. For example, to celebrate the 8th Hue Festival 2014 was held from 12th to 20th April 2014 with the theme â€Å"Integration and Development for Culture and Heritages† (â€Å"8th Hue†), so there were many concerts and parades following that big event. The best show of the 2014 festival was the Artistic Firework at the Hue Festival Finale (â€Å"Tony†), so it was the emotional unforgettable night before the conclusion of the show. In conclusion, there are many changes in both cities based on the twenty past years, but it is very good for many people because it extremely important for life every day. Indeed, people always try to make their lifestyle better, so it’s a bad feeling if we see that the place doesn’t exist anymore. Besides, I will take any pictures whenever I go, and save them in an album for my experiences traveling. In these two cities, the emotion of feeling about the city will absolutely impact my memory very much, and I will never forget every experience. The most interesting thing about me is I always try to travel to two places, so it is a very good and wonderful adventure for me. Bibliography: ABOUT.  VIVU DA NANG. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 July 2015 My Khe beach among the 6 most luxurious in the world.  SEAWONDERHOTEL. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 July 2015. Le, Pha. Hue’s ancient bridge of Truong Tien.  VietNamNet Bridge. N.p., 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 13 July 2015. NHUNG, TUYET. Hue – an ancient citadel of Vietnam.  Vietnam Beauty. N.p., 5 Aug. 2008. Web. 13 July 2015. Hue Imperial Citadel.  VietnamOnline. Ed. TRUC NGUYEN and DAT NGUYEN. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 July 2015 8th Hue Festival to be held in April 2014.  Hue Festival 2014. N.p., 18 May 2013. Web. 13 July 2015. T, Tony. Century Riverside Hue Hotel Photo: Fireworks at the Hue Festival Finale 2014.  Tripadvisor. N.p., Apr. 2014. Web. 14 July 2015.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Catcher In The Rye - The Contemporary Enlightened One Essays

Catcher in the Rye - The Contemporary Enlightened One J.D. Salinger is considered one of the most critically reviewed author in modern literature. In particular his only novel Catcher in the Rye has received the most criticism. The book has been constantly debate and sometimes banned in some states because of its vulgar language and sexual content. On the other hand it is used in freshmen English and praised as the greatest book in the twentieth century. Catcher in the Rye has been reviewed in many aspects. People had drawn many conclusions in trying to decipher the meaning of Catcher in the Rye and the mind behind the mysterious Salinger. Buddhism is one apparent aspect in this book and it is also apparent in Salinger's life. Does Salinger exhibit Buddhism on different levels in Catcher in the Rye? The main character in the book is Holden Caulfield. He attends a rich prep school called Prency prep. It is a school that typifies the idealistic American school, where the dirt and grind does not have a space, at least not on the surface. Holden is then expelled from the school, and starts to venture out the world on his own. He goes back down to New York, the dirt and grind capital of the world. He gets more and more sickened by the fakeness, and cruelty of the world. An example of this would be in the Catcher in the Rye, when he goes in to the museum ?he notices an obscenity written with a child's red crayon on the wall?(121 bloom). Holden says in the novel ?That's the whole trouble,? he realizes. ?You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write ?Fuck you' right under your nose?(264 Salinger). He throws up because of the whole idea and from that po int he then begins to understands the real meaning of life and learns to accept life as life. Holden's life is a mirror image of the life of Siddharta Gotama the price of Nepal in 563 B.C. The story of the Prince is the prince lived in his kingdom where he was shielded from suffering. He never saw the dead, the dying, the suffering, the hungry. He knew none such existed. Until one day he had ventured out of the kingdom and saw the things he had been shielded from. From that day on he searched for the answer of why these things existed. When he realized the answer he became Buddha (the enlightened one). Holden and Gotama lived very similar lives. Although Holden did not have the startling revelation Gotama had Holden was indeed enlightened. Holden is not a tragedy that some people say but instead he was enlightened. ?Holden has made in moving toward authenticity and understanding the essential question that is behind every good novel: What is the nature of reality

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Methodology Of Buying A Computer

Even though computers are a great technological bargain, you can still get burned, and it's best to have a plan before acquiring one. Many computer shoppers make these mistakes they: buy a computer, then they buy some programs, then they learn how to use the programs, then they learn about the computer itself. This is exactly backwards. I would like to take you through these four steps, in the correct order; learn a bit about computers, learn a bit about programs, select the type of programs you want, and how to choose a computer. A computer is different from other machines because it needs a program to tell it what to do. Some companies make computers, while others write programs. This means if a certain kind of computer becomes popular, more programs will be written for it, and this will make the machine even more popular. Eventually one computer has become the standard. In the real world this computer is the IBM clone. In becoming the industry standard most programs are written for IBM’s and you have a greater selection and diversity to select from. Another popular computer model is Macintosh. So far, no company other than Apple makes this computer, generally because Apple prevents other companies from doing so. As you would expect, because only one company builds the Macintosh, it is more expensive than the IBM clone. On the other hand, many Macintosh owners find it easier to learn and use. I will focus my attention on IBM clone computers since they are the standard. A computer has to do many tasks. It has to accept your inputs, either from a keyboard or a mouse, it has to do some processing, both logic and arithmetic, under the direction of a program, it has to display its results, it has to keep some information temporarily in its memory, and it has to store information permanently on disk drives. When you shop for a computer, you will want to notice the size of the hard disk in gigabytes, 10 or more recommended, the size and ... Free Essays on Methodology Of Buying A Computer Free Essays on Methodology Of Buying A Computer Even though computers are a great technological bargain, you can still get burned, and it's best to have a plan before acquiring one. Many computer shoppers make these mistakes they: buy a computer, then they buy some programs, then they learn how to use the programs, then they learn about the computer itself. This is exactly backwards. I would like to take you through these four steps, in the correct order; learn a bit about computers, learn a bit about programs, select the type of programs you want, and how to choose a computer. A computer is different from other machines because it needs a program to tell it what to do. Some companies make computers, while others write programs. This means if a certain kind of computer becomes popular, more programs will be written for it, and this will make the machine even more popular. Eventually one computer has become the standard. In the real world this computer is the IBM clone. In becoming the industry standard most programs are written for IBM’s and you have a greater selection and diversity to select from. Another popular computer model is Macintosh. So far, no company other than Apple makes this computer, generally because Apple prevents other companies from doing so. As you would expect, because only one company builds the Macintosh, it is more expensive than the IBM clone. On the other hand, many Macintosh owners find it easier to learn and use. I will focus my attention on IBM clone computers since they are the standard. A computer has to do many tasks. It has to accept your inputs, either from a keyboard or a mouse, it has to do some processing, both logic and arithmetic, under the direction of a program, it has to display its results, it has to keep some information temporarily in its memory, and it has to store information permanently on disk drives. When you shop for a computer, you will want to notice the size of the hard disk in gigabytes, 10 or more recommended, the size and ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Executive Pay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Executive Pay - Essay Example While there is diversity across industries, sizes of organizations and countries, executive pay includes the common features of base pay and bonus based on performance. CEO compensation has become one of the most important issues of concern in the field of corporate governance. With ever increasing economic activity and companies transcending all boundaries, geographic, economic and technological, the person in charge of steering the company has been thrust into focus. Typically, huge compensation packages were a phenomenon of the golden days of dotcom glory. The period of Internet boom may safely be termed the era of exorbitant pay-outs. The Internet made millionaires of people in a matter of days. In the Internet-rush' of the late 1990s, a number of small companies mushroomed redefining the principles of economies of scale and scope. The CEOs (as well as the employees) of dotcoms often burnt the midnight oil trying to float their talents. For their efforts, they were compensated handsomely, when the company took off and reaped rewards. However, even after the burst of the Internet bubble and the decline of the software industry from its top position on the list of the most happening industries, huge pay-outs have remained. A quick recap of the origin of CEOs will give us a better understanding of the topic. When economic systems evolved from sole proprietorships to the company form of business, a need for a distinction between the owner of the resources and their managers arose. In some cases, owners stopped playing an active role in managing the business resources and turned them over instead to paid managers. These paid managers acted as agents of the owners and took up the responsibility for the success or failures of the business. As businesses grew in size and scope, the manager attained the glorified title of a CEO. The compensation system also became more complicated, evolving from a simple salary to benefits like bonus, perks and stock options. As time passed, the compensation packages grew in size until t hey attained such astronomical proportions that people began feeling the need for some control. This leads us to the question of whether CEOs merit the huge compensation they receive or not. In the US, historically, CEO's in "utilities earn significantly lower levels of compensation than their counterparts in other industries, while CEO's in financial services earn higher pay" (Ashenfelter, et al, 1999, p. 5). Yet the relationship between firm size and executive pay is weakening. A comparison of executive pay in 23 countries shows that executives in the US receive a greater proportion of their pay from bonuses and incentives than from base salary. Another reason for high CEO compensation was the fact that a major portion of their compensation package consisted of stock options and stock grants. In some cases, nearly two-thirds of the CEO's pay assumed the form of stock options. Some companies offered options packages to compensate for low salary and risk associated with the company, especially in case of a start-up company. Stock options had emerged as one of the most important factors, which made the CEOs salaries in big companies in the US to swell to almost 458 times the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency - Research Paper Example Cynthia (2008) further highlights that the juvenile court systems are driven by the idea that children who violate the law and get into problems should be assisted, guided and helped instead of being punished. This system was formed around the parental concept which advocates that the court should act as a parent, and develop an interfered part to protect the juvenile rather than seeking to determine guilt or innocence. However, different states in the world have established juvenile courts, which have age limits that are used to determine the extent of the offence charged. This is because some crimes committed by juvenile can be heard and determined by criminal courts and trials listened as those of adults (Cynthia, 2008). Globally, there has been an increase in juvenile delinquency in many countries which can be attributed to many cases. This paper shall present and analyze the causes of juvenile delinquency and highlight some of the dependent and independent variables and the crim inological theory concerned with cases. There are several theories which are used to explain the causes of juvenile delinquency. ... Vitaro, Bredger and Trembley (2002, as cited in Mandela, 2008) argue that the family has a big influence on a child’s development which can be positive or delinquent. In the light of family influences, the world youth report highlights that minors who are given proper supervision are unlikely to be involved in criminal activities. Therefore, juvenile delinquency can be linked to abnormal or undesirable family settings which are usually characterized by lack of parental guidance. Juvenile delinquency is influenced by poor internal guidance, premature autonomy and frequent conflict. Juvenile delinquency is influenced by some of these factors because they influence the family background which they live in. Changes in the family institution in the society today are influencing how minors grow. The family institution form is becoming modified with time (Mandel, 2008). For example, single parent families have increased. The absence of one parent to guide the child, especially boys, leads them to seek and acquire behavior from the group they interact with, such as peers. These groups end up taking the family institutions roles, and they influence the morals of a minor and contribute towards acquiring of negative behavior such as cruelty (United Nations, 2004). In addition, the capacity of parents in a family to provide children with what they require for their daily lives, such as books and others things, influences the behavior of the children. Some may feel excluded, and they can be motivated to join juvenile delinquent groups to satisfy their needs. Finally, communication in a family can also influence juvenile delinquency (United Nations, 2004). Moreover, if there are adult offenders in a family, they can

Monday, November 18, 2019

Poverty and social violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Poverty and social violence - Essay Example Los Olvidados, The Young and the Damned; tackles the unethical behaviours that destroy the children who are linked to the future of tomorrow. The problem is aggravated by the poverty levels in the society; Bunnel captures the vices experienced in the big modern cities. Los Olvidados depicts Mexico at the doorsill of modernization where moral values of the Mexicans appear compromised. There appears use of vulgar language in the story where Eljaibo calls a young boy a ‘pansy’ for refusing to smoke. El Jiabo symbolizes the extent of evil in the modern Mexico; the society there appears that the Mexican society disregards respect for peoples’ opinion (Wilcox, 112). Peer pressure: The meeting between Pedro and ElJaibo appears a wrong decision for Pedro. Most of the times El Jaibo commits crimes; Pedro is usually his scapegoat. Pedro killed Julian; because, Julian, reported him to the police, who came and arrested him. Pedro hoarded the information from the police; this costs him a lot in the end. Pedro became an accomplice when he refused to talk it to authoritative people to clear the air. Pedro got a job at the blacksmith; El Jiabo heard of it and paid Pedro a visit where he stole from the blacksmith destroying Pedro’s new job and sent to prison. ... The issue of theft is dealt within the film; evident when El Jaibo organizes robbery against Don Camel, a blind man. The society foregoes the needs of the less fortunate and oppresses them further. El Jaibo proves wrong influence when he stole from Pedro’s boss; the result was nasty as Pedro lose his job and is taken to prison. While still in Prison, Pedro encountered El Jaibo, who steals the money he had been given to run the principal’s errands. This time Pedro feels that he had tolerated enough with El Jaibo and pursues him. El Jaibo ended up murdering Pedro and flees. These episodes emphasize the need to stay away from peer pressure. The issue of theft comes in from the character El Jaibo who steals everything he comes from everyone he meets including his friends (Wilcox, 134). The theme of death proves evident in the story when El Jaibo started by killing Julian. Pedro saw what happened and kept quiet thinking that he was being a friend. Later on in the scene El Ja ibo ends up killing Pedro. El Jaibo proves a tough criminal who ended up dying in the story (Wilcox, 187). Terror and loneliness: The author symbolizes this by referring to the satisfaction of a mother’s milk. Carmelo the blind man consumes goat milk with the hope that it cleanses the body. Meche, cleans her legs using milk with the hope that it rejuvenates her beat whilst big eyes sucks the teat of a cow when hungry. The characters display an element of desperation and the hunger of comfort from the nest available living thing which is the domestic animals in this case. Pedro tragically pleads for her mother’s love; the mother feels betrayed by Pedro’s lazy behavior of stealing. She wonders why she should love someone who humiliates her in the eyes of the society. Pedro’s actions prove

Friday, November 15, 2019

Toxic Metals in Traditional Chinese Medicine Determination

Toxic Metals in Traditional Chinese Medicine Determination Determination of toxic metals in Traditional Chinese Medicine samples by atomic emission spectrometry Traditional Chinese Medicines(TCM) have gained increasing attention worldwide because of their effectiveness and small side effects[1]. The excess of toxic metals in these medicines have become one of the biggest problems that affected their export and hindered their introduction to the world[2]. In recent years, many domestic and abroad testing organizations paid great attention to the toxic metals in traditional Chinese medicines. Generally, toxic metals in traditional Chinese medicines including Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, Copper and so on[3], sometimes people also prefer including Arsenic as toxic heavy metal. Different types of heavy metals in human effect different parts or systems, and the symptoms of poisoning can be on the nervous, digestive, hematopoietic systems or people’s metabolism and other body damage. So to accurate detect and limit the content of toxic metals is the key to protect the people of medication safety, to promote the internationalization of t raditional Chinese medicines. Recently, themost commonly used detection methods of detection of toxic metals include colorimetric assay and instrumental analysis[4]. With the increasing requirements for toxic metal limits, instrumental analysis method has become the primary means of detection of heavy metals. In this paper, the determination of toxic metals in traditional Chinese medicine samples by atomic emission spectrometry technology are reviewed. 1. The national limits for toxic metals in herbal medicines and product In general, quantitative tests and limit tests accurately determinate the concentrations of toxic metals in the form of impurities and contaminants. The latter are unavoidably present in the samples being tested. Member states can elect to use either quantitative tests or limit tests and their choices will be influenced by the nature of the sample and the contaminants or residues, assessed on a case-by-case basis. Another factor would be that the methods identified, and chosen to be applied to control toxic metals, should be relevant and should meet the requirements at a regional and national level. Some examples of proposed national limits for arsenic and toxic metals in various types of herbal products are shown in Table 1[5]. Table 1. Example of national limits for arsenic and toxic metals in herbal medicines and products 2. The sources of toxic metals in traditional Chinese medicine samples The toxic metals in traditional Chinese medicines can be from the soil where is contaminated, in the processes of collection and production. 3. Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) is a method of chemical analysis, when the analyte atoms in solution are aspirated into the excitation region(flame, plasma, arc, or spark at a particular wavelength) and underwent desolvated, vaporized, atomized, these high-temperature sources provide sufficient energy to promote the atoms into high energy levels, after decaying back to lower energy levels by emitting light, the wavelength of the atomic spectral lines gives the identity of the element and the intensity of light proportional to the concentration of atoms, this can be used to determinate the quantity of elements in a sample. Since all atoms are excited simultaneously, they can be detected simultaneously. 3.1 The classification of AES Flame atomic emission spectroscopy(FAES) The energy source is flame, a sample is brought into the flame by a nebulizer in the form of gas, sprayed solution. A flame provides a high-temperature source for desolvating and vaporizing a sample to obtain free atoms for spectroscopic analysis. For atomic emission spectroscopy the flame must also excites the atom to higher excited states. Then subsequently emit light when they returning to the ground electronic state. Each element emits light at a characteristic wavelength, which is dispersed by a grating or prism(monochromator) and detected by photo detector. Due to its low temperature(1700~3200 °C), nitrous oxide-acetylene is the best flame as this gives the highest temperature. FAES used mostly for determination of alkali metals and occasionally calcium, and need internal standard to correct for variations flame[6]. So FAES is always used with FAAS together to determinate the content of metals in a sample. Slavica RaÃ…Â ¾iÄâ₠¬ ¡ used FAAS/FAES to determinate the elements of Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, K, Ca, Mg in some of herbal drugs[7]. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES) Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES) uses an inductively coupled plasma as thermal source to excite atoms and ions to their excited energy levels and emit electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths characteristic of a particular element[8]. ICP-AES has a lot of advantages such as low inter-element interference, multi-element capability, high sensitivity, high concentration range, low chemical interference, with stable and reproducible signal and high degree of selectivity, precision and accuracy(0.3~3%), can use with gas, liquid or solids samples. Disadvantages are serious spectral interferences(too many emission lines), procedures complicated, consume large Ar gas and operating expense, not possible to determinate the elements of H, N, O, C or Ar in trace levels as they are used in solvents and plasma, and also not possible to determinate F, Cl and noble gases at trace levels as they require high excitation energy. Spark and arc atomic emission spectroscopy For solid samples, spark or arc atomic emission spectroscopy is used for the analysis of metallic elements. 4. Determination of toxic metals in traditional Chinese medicine by ICP-AES Because of its high sensitivity, low detection limit, high precision, wide linear range, multi-element analysis, small matrix effects and many other advantages for the detection of most of the metallic elements. ICP-AES has become the most effective method that was widely used in all kinds of traditional Chinese medicines in the determination of toxic metals[9]. Yan Qing-hua used ICP-AES to determinate 14 kinds of elements Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cr, Ni, Pb, Se, As, Cd in traditional Chinese medicines for clearing heat and detoxification. Showed the determining elements in traditional Chinese medicine by IPC-AES saving time and effort, reducing environmental pollution, good stability, high sensitivity and multi-element simultaneous analysis[10]. Liu Er-dong used ICP-AES to determinate metallic elements for quality control of Chinese herbal medicines showed this method is accurate and rapid[11]. 4.1 Sampling process With the development of separation science, sample preparation methods have also been substantially developed, especially the sample preparation method for complex material systems, which has gained more attention in recent years. The specific method requires special preparation methods or combination methods according to the specific nature and status of the sample preparation. The traditional Chinese medicines samples are very complicated[12], the preparation method usually includes conventional extraction methods such as steam distillation, water extraction, and alcohol precipitation, alcohol precipitation of water, organic solvent extraction, fractionation, absorption. For the determination of toxic metals in traditional Chinese medicine samples, people have made a lot of work in improving the equipment, good analysis methods to improve the experimental measurements. But always overlook one more important factor, sampling. So how to improve the accuracy of sampling is also one of the most important topics to be studied. 4.2Digestion condition Digestion is an important process in the determination of toxic metals in traditional Chinese medicines. The general methods of digestion including ashing, wet digestion, microwave digestion, combustion method and high pressure dissolving. But all of these methods have their limitations: (1) can’t be guaranteed fully adapted to all organic samples; (2) the waste of analyte; (3) perchloric acid is flammable and explosible. Li Yang compared the digestion methods of dry ashing, wet digestion and microwave digestion in the process of determination of elements in periostracum serpentis and periostracum cicadae[13]. The results showed the microwave digestion with the highest efficiency. The samples of traditional Chinese medicine are always cleaned the sediment and washed with tap water, rewashed with de-ionized water, dried under 80à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ smashed and filtered through 40 mesh sieve, dried under 80à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ again for 1h, put into drier for using. 4.2.1 Ashing digestion Ashing digestion is digest samples at high temperature, this is used to find the total mineral content of a sample. Kuziemska Beata used ashing digestion method to determinate the contents of toxic metallic elements in red clover biomass[14]. Normal procedure as follows: Weighed dry sample 1g (wet 2~4 g), put it in porcelain crucible, charring with low heat , then ashing in furnaces at 450à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ for 3 hours, cooled and added a little distilled water, heated slightly to dry, then placed in a high temperature furnace ashing completely, cooled, add 1: 1 HNO3 1.0 ml, dissolved with heating, set the volume to 25ml. 4.2.2 Wet digestion In the process of wet digestion, normally use the solvent of acid or oxidant to digest the samples. The commonly used acid and oxidant are as follows: Nitric acid: The most commonly used acid in the process of digestion, it is also a strong oxidant which is widely used to dissolve trace elements in plant samples, get their soluble nitrate. Xue Yan used nitric acid as digestion reagent to detect chromium in medical materials showed the detection limit was 1.42 ng/mL, and the deviations were 1.43%~1.79%[15]. Perchloric acid: Can decompose organic component completely, which is used when the other reagents can not digest. However, the heat concentrated perchloric acid is explosible when contact with organic components, so the operator must be very careful. Aqua regia: It is a strong oxidant, can applied to digest inorganic components, such as gold and platinum. Tahar Kebir used aqua regia to digest food plants near a polluted site for the measurement of toxic metals(Fe, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cd, Mn, Cr and As) and got excellent results[16]. Hydrofluoric acid: It is an efficient reagent to dissolve silicon-containing material. It can change silicate into SiF4, which is used to digest silicon samples completely. When mixed with nitric acid, could digest TiO2, W, Zr et al. Hydrogen peroxide: It is one of the most commonly used oxidants, if combined with HNO3, HCIO4, HCI or mixed acid, the efficiency could be better. Sulfuric acid: Strong acid and oxidant. The capacity of these acid and oxidant are different. In the practical applications, normally use the mixture of two or more inorganic acids with different proportion(HNO3-H2SO4, HNO3-HCIO4, H2SO4-HNO3-HCIO4). It has proven that the optimal digestion reagents are the mixture of HNO3-HCIO4, could digest multiple components simultaneously. Tong Wen-jie used HNO3-HCIO4 to digest sunflower(Helianthus annuus L) and analyzed the mineral elements content[17]. Cai Yanrong also used HNO3-HCIO4 as digestion reagents in the study of trace elements(Fe, Cu, Zn, Al, K, Na, Ba, Sb, Pb, As) in hair samples[18]. 4.2.3 Microwave digestion Microwave digestion requires only a small amount of sample and can digest in short time. It is a widely used digestion method in the determination of elements in herbal drugs. Li Feng-xia used microwave digestion method to test and analyze of inorganic elements in 466 traditional Chinese medicines[19] showed that the measurements of each element are within the reference range, and RSD of determination is less than 10% for most of detected elements. In Yan Qing-hua’s study, his experiments also used microwave digestion technology, the recovery of the element reach 96.79%~103.47% and RSD less than 5.0%[10]. Zhang Sheng-bang used HNO3-H2O2 as solvents, microwave digestion to study multi-elements in traditional Chinese medicine Ophiopogon japonicus and Lotus seeds by ICP-AES[20]. Conclusion and outlook In recent years, the toxic metals in traditional Chinese medicines are concerned increasing all over the world. The methods of determination of toxic metals are not yet fully unified and also lack of regulation, scientific and systemic research. In the Chinese Pharmacopoeia(2010 version), in addition to the classical colorimetric method, more and more inclined to the using of high sensitivity and precision instruments measurements. ICP-AES has proven to be a quick, high sensitive and multi-elements analysis method. But there are still a lot of problems to be solved, new methods of determination of toxic metals are required, we hope there is a even faster and cheaper method to satisfy the measurements of toxic metals for TCM’s quick check in the process of import and export. Of course, the determination of toxic metals in Chinese medicine samples is a long-term work, with the development of detection technology, the detectable levels of toxic metals in traditional Chinese medic ines will be increased, thereby enhancing their safety. References: [1] T. J. Zhang. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs, 2011, 42, 1–9 [2] P. C. A. Kam; S. Liew. Anaesthesia, 2002, 57, 1083–1089 [3] Catherine Buettner; Kenneth J.; Mukamal; Paula Gardiner; Roger B. Davis ScD; Murray A. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2009,24(11),1175-1182 [4] Anna Filipiak-Szok; Marzanna Kurzawa; Edward SzÅ‚yk. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 2014, ASAP [5] Patel Parthik. IJRAP, 2011, 2(4), 1148-1154 [6] Anderson S. Ribeiro. J. Braz. Chem. Soc., 2012, 23(9), 1623-1629 [7] Slavica Raziˆ¡c ´; Antonije Onjiab; Svetlana à ogo; Latinka Slavkovic ´; Aleksandar Popovic. Talanta, 2005, 67, 233–239 [8] A. Stef†²ansson. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007, 582, 69–74 [9] Mao L; Tan MX; Chen ZF; Liang H. Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi, 2009, 29(9), 2568-70. [10] Yan Qing-hua; Yang li; Wang Qing; Ma Xiao-Qin. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 2012, 16, 287–290 [11] Liu Erdong; Zheng Yong-jun. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 23(3), 1091-1094 [12] Fang, Luo; Yang, Guonong; Song, Yu; Li, Fanzhu; Lin, Nengming. Journal of Separation Science, 2014,37(22),3245-3252 [13] Yang, Li; Li, Yanlan; Xj, Guoxj; Ma, Xiaoqin; Yan, Qinghua. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 2013, 58(3), 1876-1879 [14] Kuziemska, Beata; Kalembasa, Stanislaw. Archives of Environmental Protection, 2009,35(1),95-105 [15] Xue Yan. Huaxue Fenxi Jiliang, 2012, 21(5), 52-53 [16] Tahar, Kebir; Keltoum, Bouhadjera; Abderrazzak, Baba Ahmed. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, 2014, 18(1), 51-58 [17] Tong, Wen-jie; Chen, Fu; Wen, Xin-ya. Guangpuxue Yu Guangpu Fenxi, 2014, 34(1),231-234. [18] Cai Yanrong. Biological trace element research, 2011, 144(1-3), 469-474 [19] Li Feng-xia; Ouyang Li; Liu Ya-qiong; Zeng Jing; Yan Lai-lai; Wang Jing-yu. China journal of Chinese materia medica. 2011,36(21),2994-3000 [20] Zhang Sheng-bang; Ji Xiao-wu; Liu Cui-ping. Advanced Materials Research (Durnten-Zurich, Switzerland), 2012, 535-537

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

From Servitude to Freedom in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay

From Servitude to Freedom in Jane Eyre   Ã‚   Charlotte Bronte's novel, Jane Eyre, skillfully reveals that Jane, the protagonist, has the qualities of endurance, valor, and vitality, yet she is refused self-contentment by the confined society in which she lives. Not only is this work a love story, but it is the tale of a young orphaned girl and her struggle for love and independence. Through the various environments Bronte provides, Jane oscillates between education and containment and also between freedom and servitude. Beginning at Gateshead, Jane has her first experience of containment in dealing with the Reeds. John Reed blatantly smothers Jane's space by treating her like a slave, and Mrs. Reed enslaves her in every way. Mrs. Reed treats Jane as a stepchild instead of a niece and oftentimes sides with her children even if Jane is right. For example, in the incident with John Reed, Jane is reading a book about birds and secretly wants to be able to fly away from all of the bad things at Gateshead. When John condemns Jane for reading "his" books, Mrs. Reed sends Jane to the Red Room even though Jane did not initiate the fight. The torturous experience for Jane becomes a type of containment in which she must obey her aunt and cousins, as a slave would obey his master. Jane feels then that she must resist everyone, Bessie, Miss Abbot, her cousins, and especially her aunt. She is urged by these same people to pray and repent and is locked yet again in an eerie room. Jane encounters another character, Mr. Lloyd, who attempts to degrade her by making fun of her for crying. Her physical containments, along with her mental ones, are coming to her one after another and take her to her limit. Jane deals with many emotions she fee... ...rlotte Bronte. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1990.    Jane Eyre. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Perf. William Hurt, Charlotte Gainsborough, and Anna Paquin. 1996    Jane Eyre. Dir. Julian Aymes. Perf. Timothy Dalton, Zelah Clarke. 1983    Kadish, Doris. The Literature of Images: Narrative Landscape from Julie to Jane Eyre. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1986.    Linder, Cynthia A. Romantic Imagery in the Novels of Charlotte Bronte. London: MacMillan, 1978.    McLaughlin, M.B. "Past or Future Mindscapes: Pictures in Jane Eyre." Victorian Newsletter 41 (1972): 22-24.    Peters, Joan D. â€Å"Finding a Voice: Towards a Woman’s Discourse in Dialogue in the Narration of Jane Eyre.† Studies in the Novel. 23 no 2. (1991): 217-36. Zonana, Joyce. â€Å"The Sultan and the Slave: Feminist Orientalism and the Structure of Jane Eyre.† Signs. 18 no 3. (1993): 592-617

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Financial Analysis of Cadbury Schweppes Essay

The capital structure of Cadbury Schweppes based on its 2006 balance sheet shows that the company uses more debt than equity to finance its operations. The company’s debt to total stockholders equity ratio of the company is more than fifty percent, while its debt to equity ratio is at 1. 30. A high debt to equity ratio means that the company relies heavily in debt financing. A high debt to equity ratio does not necessarily mean that the company has poor financial leverage because there are industries that are capital intensive which requires companies to incur large amounts of debt to finance its operations. One such industry is the automobile industry, where a debt to equity ratio of two is still considered acceptable. In the case of Cadbury Schweppes, the company is engaged in manufacturing candy, chocolate and drinks. It is an industry which is not as capital intensive as the car manufacturing industry so its debt to equity ratio maybe too high. The company has been undergoing changes in its operations over the years. It has gradually moved out of its investments that do not fall within its core business which is confectionery and beverage. While it disposed of some of its incompatible businesses, it continued to expand its confectionery and beverage operations. These acquisitions, particularly those made in the United States can be the reason for its large debt. Debt is used by the company to increase its operations and, as a consequence, increase its profits. The company’s performance has been increasingly growing every year, so it is possible that the company has determined that the cost of expending the operations which is in the form of interest payments is much lower than the benefits incurred in the form of increase in sales. Having a large amount of is extremely detrimental to the company if it is unable to recoup the cost of the debt; this is not the case of Cadbury Schweppes. The dividend yield ratio measures the amount of income received by each share of stock with the cost of such share. The dividend yield ratio necessarily varies over time because the market value of share changes as it is traded. A comparison of dividend yield ratio over time can be used to gauge if the performance of the company is improving, but this ratio should not be analyzed on its own. It must be analyzed together with other factors such as the market value of the share. A company with a low dividend yield can mean that the company’s share is priced highly by the market and does not necessarily mean that the company is unable to make dividend payments. On the other hand, high dividend yield can mean that the company’s share has a very low market value and not because it is able to give its shareholders large amounts of dividends. The company has a dividend yield of 2. 30% and it share has a market value ranging from 51. 5 to 51. 6. Based on this figures, it is apparent that its dividend yield is not because of the extremely high or low market value of its share. The price/earnings ratio of the company, on the other hand, is seen by investors as a gauge of how much the market values the company’s share. In this company’s case, it has a price earning of 24. 22. This number is very close to the industry’s average. This means that the company is competitive with other members of the industry and is generally viewed by the investing community as a good investment. Based on its dividend yield and price/earnings ratio, the company is able to compensate stockholders despite its large debts. This is probably because the earnings of the company is divided by a smaller number of shares than if the company chose to finance its operation by equity rather than debt. The large shareholders of the company are Franklin Resources, Inc. and Legal and General with shares ownership amounting to 4. 01% and 3. 47%.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Acid Rain4 essays

Acid Rain4 essays The damaging effects of acid rain on society is becoming overwhelmed with great amounts of pollution from cars, factories and an large amounts of garbage. The immense amounts of sulphur dioxide put into the air causes high levels of acid in the atmosphere. When this sulphuric acid is absorbed into moisture in the air, then rain can be harmful to the environment. Acid rain is destroying lots of things in our environment. It is hurting lakes, air and thew rest of our ecosystem. Acid rain is killing lakes and decreasing the number of animals in these lakes. Acid rain greatly lowers the amounts of pH in the water. Each decade the pH levels of lakes around Ontario have become ten times more acidic. The high acid levels contained in lakes also causes a decrease in the number of fish living in these lakes. Also the high amounts of acid in the water can lead to fish being deformed. They have messed up and out of shape backbones, flattened heads and strangely curved tails. When there gets to be a lot of acid in the water, then there is barely anything left besides rock bass, pumpkinseed and lake herring. As with sulphur dioxide in rain, mercury is also discharged into the water. There is a direct connection between the mercury rich lakes as there is with those with high acidic levels. This metal becomes concentrated in the blood and tissues of fish. Acid rain causes traumatic effects in natural lakes and rivers. Acid rain causes air quality to deteriorate. As in water, acid rain causes the pH levels in the air to decrease. The sulphur dioxide, which diffuses into the air, mixes with moisture causing the pH levels to drop from the normal level. Again, the normal level is somewhere around seven, yet in some acidic air masses the levels can be as low as three. These lowered pH levels form a photochemical smog in the atmosphere. In the air Anitrogen oxides react with ozone and some hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight to ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Communication in the Childs Development Essay

Communication in the Childs Development Essay Communicative Factor in the Child’s Development Psychology Essay Communicative Factor in the Child’s Development Psychology Essay Currently, attention of many psychologists in the world is drawn to the problems of early childhood. This interest is not accidental since the first years of human life are the period of the most intense moral development that lays the foundation for physical, mental, and moral health. An unborn child is an evolving human being. Conditions of the child’s development largely determine his/her future. Influence of mother relationship with the unborn child is extremely important for its development. Nowadays, development of the media has greatly reduced the dialogue with each other in many families. However, even the best children’s programs cannot replace parents’ communication with their children. The child’s learning occurs not by passive acceptance, but as an active form of communication with adults. Therefore, reading, talking, and singing to a baby promote the child’s development. Benefits of Reading, Talking, and Singing to a Baby The mastery of speech as a means of communication goes through several stages during the first years of life. The first stage is the preverbal one. A child does not understand the speech of adults and cannot speak at this stage, but it gradually provides conditions for the language acquisition in the future. The second stage is speech emergence, namely transition from the complete absence of speech to its appearance (Buckley 25). A child begins to understand simple sentences of adults and say the first words. The third stage covers all subsequent time, up to the age of seven when a child masters speech and uses it in an increasingly sophisticated and varied way to communicate with surrounding adults. It is the stage of verbal communication development (Buckley 27). Analysis of the behavior of young children shows that nothing in their life and behavior necessitates the used speech (Robinson 31). A child starts to acquire speech only because of the presence of an adult who constantly refers to a child with verbal statements and requires an adequate response to them (Robinson 32). Hence, a special kind of communication problem to understand speech and say a verbal response occurs only in communicating with adults. Therefore, the communicative factor is a decisive condition for the emergence and development of speech in children. The communicative factor affects language development in children and its interpersonal functions at all three stages of development (in the preverbal period, at the time of occurrence, and in the process of its development in the future) (Keenan and Evans 20). Apparently, this effect is not manifested equally at each stage. This is because the very communicative factor in children varies in different periods of child’s development. It undergoes the most serious changes during the pregnancy of an expectant mother and the first months after birth. The Role of Sound during Pregnancy and First Months after Birth for a Child Researchers of the intrauterine growth allocate the following sequence of sensory and motor functions development of the fetus. Capacity for the tactile sensitivity and the first movements of the fetus are observed in the seventh week of pregnancy. The vestibular system is already formed in the sixteenth week of pregnancy. The first facial movements occur in the same week. Regular respiratory movements are formed in the seventeenth week of pregnancy. The twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth weeks develop the ability to scream and the ability to listen accordingly. The ability to experience taste, see, feel pressure, pain, and temperature sensitivity is formed around the same time (Levine and Munsch 16-17). Thus, the basis of the motor and sensory activity is laid in the first half of pregnancy. Modern psychoanalytically-oriented psychology has lots of evidence relating to affective experiences of the fetus in the womb. The fact that the perception of sounds and the human voice is possible well before birth is confirmed by the studies of mental development in preterm infants (Keenan and Evans 11). There is evidence that a child will have a much better musical and linguistic abilities if the mother listens to music during pregnancy (Keenan and Evans 14). American psychoanalyst Patricia Bauer believes that the structure of the self appears primarily as a sound shell and a kind of â€Å"acoustic skin† (Bauer 71). The child’s development occurs in a font of sounds that accompany the process of feeding and come from both the outside world and a child. These sounds are a prerequisite for the development of the child’s inner self (Bauer 74). Even before reaching the age of one month, there is the ability to understand the value of acoustic interventions. Response to sound signals is observed in the baby much earlier than visual and psychomotor reactions. Apparently, the acoustic response can be viewed as a prototype of early differentiated learning (Hupp and Jewell 61). While the process of feeding and infant isolation is perceived only as a one-way process, the perception of sound allows the baby to go through the space around him/her, allowing to interact with the world. In addition, the child’s perception of sounds creates the first space-acoustic image of his/her own body. Finally, the perception of sounds becomes the child’s special relationship with the outside world by the type of real symbiosis with the mother (Keenan and Evans 29-30). It would be impossible for a child to follow an imaginative fusion at the level of imagination and fantasy without such symbiotic acoustic communication. Communication with a Child via Reading, Talking, and Singing It is now established that the formation of neural structures of the brain can be controlled by changing duration and concentration of the information flow (Smidt 48). It is very important for an expectant mother to get positive information from the contact with nature, music, painting, and so on. For example, there is a kind of ritual in the tradition of the Indian people: a woman receives gifts and favors from their relatives and friends every week of pregnancy. According to researchers, hearing organs of a child are formed by the twenty-fourth week of the fetal development (Levine and Munsch 17). On the seventh month, a child perceives not only the mother’s heartbeat, but also the sounds of the outside world (Levine and Munsch 18). Quiet mother’s heartbeat is the best music for a child. As a proof, there was an experiment in the newborn ward. The scientists turned on the sounds of anxious and calm heartbeat alternately. They found that children woke up and cried in the first case, but continued to sleep with the sounds of a calmly beating heart (Levine and Munsch 21). This fact means that a child reacts differently to the state and behavior of his/her mother. Therefore, she should be less angry, irritated, and frustrated. The duty of all people surrounding an expectant mother is to help keep her in a good mood and protect her from any kind of stress. A baby hears not only the mother’s heartbeat, but also her voice, the father’s voice, and the sound of music. Parents should communicate with a baby, tell him/her tender words, sing songs, and play melodious music. As established by years of research, a child responds the best to classical music, lullabies, and nature sounds since all of these cause positive emotions in a future mother (Socha and Stamp 33). Many beautiful odes have been sung in honor of the human voice. The mother’s voice is not just a beautiful voice. This is the main tool of prenatal education and further socialization of a child in early childhood. A child enters the world of human culture via the mother’s voice, perceiving primary vibrations that form the underlying personality structure. According to the studies, gentle vibrations of the mother’s voice are a kind of spiritual and musical homeopathy, which is able to form the child’s soul (Socha and Stamp 36). Since the prenatal period, every sound uttered by a future mother influences development of a child and literally sculpts the body and the mind. During pregnancy, singing and speech of an expectant mother change the respiratory rate, which determines the redox processes in the body of the fetus (Smidt 48). At the same time, diaphragm puts a mild pressure and makes an involuntary internal massage. Singing of a mother changes not only the blood flow in her blood vessels, but also the child’s blood circulation, activating his/her motor activity. Prenatal fetal movement patterns are formed as a result (Smidt 51). It should be emphasized that the emotional experience of singing and listening to music by a future mother has a hormonal effect on the fetus. Vibrations of the mother’s voice are transmitted through various mediums in the woman’s body. Experts have established a positive psycho-correctional impact of the mother’s voice on the mental health of people who have suffered from severe stress situations (Socha and Stamp 42). It should be noted that the record was held via the aquatic environment that simulated amniotic fluid. The perception of resonating and the vibration of the spinal column expand the low frequency spectrum. Moreover, a child receives a certain amount of information from his/her mother via singing and speech. That is why it is very useful for a future mother to comment on her daily activities and explain them through verbalizing. Tactile sensations of the child are also of great importance. A touch on the stomach in the prenatal period, as well as stroking and further interaction with the infant during hygiene procedures, bathing, dressing, feeding, games, and entertainment are equally important during the child’s growth. The intonation of mother’s voice has a deeper impact on the fetus or a child than any external sounds, including classical music (Smidt 63). Today, scientists attribute a special role to hearing in human body. They argue that hearing controls the overall maturation of the brain before the birth and largely determines development of those parts of it that are responsible for the world of senses, intelligence, and movement (Smidt 67; Bauer 84). Therefore, communication with a baby aloud, reading fairy tales and poetry, and singing lullabies before birth are not a new-fangled nonsense for future moms and dads, but an urgent need for the developing baby and return to traditions that have existed for thousands of years in any of the ancient cultures. It has been considered for long that sounds reach the baby through the abdominal wall. In fact, only the loudest ones are capable of overcoming this barrier. Today, it is known that entire human skeletal system is a complex and perfect sound conductor created by the very nature (Keenan and Evans 126). Thus, there is no need for a future mother to raise her voice in order to let the baby hear her. Actually, it is the other way around because the sound that is gentle and pleasant to the ear of the expectant mother is also pleasing to the ear of her baby. Accordingly, sounds, which are too loud and harsh for the mother, are unpleasant and repulsive for the baby. It should be remembered that people could adapt quite easily to loud sounds, while the baby is defenseless (Keenan and Evans 128). Obviously, the sound environment of a baby before birth depends largely on future parents. The sound can have both devastating and harmonizing effects. For example, a four-month fetus has a rapid heartbeat under the influence of loud sounds; he/she starts to behave restlessly. Sometimes, the baby can respond with a foot pushing (Robinson 49). Often, pregnant women say that they had to leave some musical event because of intolerable leg blows in the abdominal wall. The bass sound that is pronounced in modern pop music and especially rock music resonates at the base of the spinal column of the future mother and causes strong vibrations that reach the baby directly. It is also known that modern popular music with fast, loud, and syncopated rhythms adversely affects the rhythm of heartbeats. As a result, the heart cannot maintain its perfect rhythm. A baby perceives such a sharp change in the mother’s usual rhythms of the body as a threat and begins to worry, adversely affecting t he whole body (Keenan and Evans 134). Babies love to listen to classical music and researchers have particularly noted the beneficial influence of music from the Baroque period and classicism, which is close to the human heart rate at rest (Robinson 54). Famous composers of the Baroque period like Bach, Vivaldi, Boccherini, Telemann, or Handel and of the Classical period like Mozart and Haydn are perfect for this purpose (Robinson 56). The most beneficial effect of slow parts of symphonies and concerts that sound in adagio, andante, or largo tempo have the most beneficial effect. Of course, classical music does not fit into the bustle of the modern pace of life, but it is able to touch something much deeper in the soul since it is very beneficial for the baby of the waiting period when susceptibility and sensitivity of the future mother increase due to hormonal changes. It is very important for a future mother to like music that she listens to during pregnancy. After all, an expectant mother is an intermediary between the baby and the outside world and, then, the baby accepts her attitude and mood. Music, causing a state of harmony, charm, beauty, and peace, will transmit the same sentiments and the same values to the baby. Of course, an expectant mother can pick up such a calm and light music in the genre she likes. However, there is music that has no competition and affects a baby in the most beneficial way. It is singing of lullabies. The tradition to sing a calm song before the birth of the baby and after it has been known since ancient times. The baby hears the voice of the mother before birth. Besides, it is able to distinguish it among all other voices immediately after birth. Singing voice, when to compare to a talking one, contains a much wider range of frequencies and carries all the sensations and stimuli, which are very beneficial for the development of the baby. Thus, singing during pregnancy improves health of a mother and her baby and is a universal way to transform negative conditions. Social environment is an external condition and a true source of a child’s development since it contains all of the material and spiritual values that every single individual should possess in his/her development process. Reading, talking, and singing to a baby contributes to the child’s development process. Development of communication, as well as complexity and enrichment of its forms open all the new features of the surrounding environment to a child. This fact is of paramount importance for the progress of child’s mental development.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Method comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Method comparison - Essay Example Qualitative research focuses on subjective data that relates to feelings, thoughts, opinions, perceptions, and attitudes that are immeasurable. Examples of qualitative research are ethnography and observation. Ethnography as qualitative research method and process refers to the systematic study of people or groups of people with the objective of cultural interpretation (Westenholz-Bless & Achola, 2007). Observation, on the other hand, refers to the active investigation of processes or systems from their primary sources through the use of human senses; observation is sometimes referred to as eye witnessing. Quantitative research, on the other hand, refers to the scientific method of inquiry that is largely based on measurable data in the formulation of facts and investigating patterns in research. Quantitative research, therefore, is focused on the generation of numeric data with strong emphasis on objectivity. Examples of qualitative research are the surveys and the experiments. This paper focuses on the comparative advantages and disadvantages of the two categories of research; emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of the methods with strong regards to the subject of online dating. Online dating refers to a personal introductory system through which individuals or groups of individuals find and establish contacts with each other over the internet with the aim of developing personal, sexual or romantic relationships. Online dating is one of the many concepts that have developed from the internet based technology (Smith & Duggan, 2013). It is a major social issue influencing social relationships in almost every aspect. This paper will first discuss the comparative advantages of the two research methods then later on discuss the weaknesses. To begin with, qualitative research methods generate rich and comprehensive information about the investigated subjects. This is in line with its wide scope of coverage, ranging

Friday, November 1, 2019

Americans with disabilities act Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Americans with disabilities act - Coursework Example The act identifies disabilities as the commonly known disabilities in addition to certain medical conditions. The disabilities include deafness, blindness, and an intellectual disability, previously known as mental retardation among others. The medical conditions include autism, cancer, and cerebral palsy among others with an emphasis on the fact that the conditions must not be severe or permanent for one to get inclusion in the act (Schall, 1998). Americans with Disability act has played a substantive role in the employment perspective where it states that no organization shall discriminate against a qualified person with a disability. Despite such an aspect, different many controversies have risen between many organizations and people with disability regarding the aspects of the Americans with Disability Act. Such elements include the firing or refusal to hire an individual based on a real or perceived disabilities, segregation, as well as harassment based on any disability (Schall, 1998), with some instances resulting into court cases. One of such cases is the one involving Crews v. Dow Chemical Co., from which Americans with Disability Act have had a significant impact in the workplace. In the case, a human resources employee sued the employer after the employer’s restriction from various tasks pending fitness-for-duty evaluation, which contributed to the cancellation of her promotion, and later termination. The pla intiff alleged that the considering the employers noticeable hand tremors (Schall, 1998). From the revelation of the plaintiff, she had earlier received bipolar treatments and depression requiring a full-time paid medical leave, which the employer offered. On the expiry, of the full-time paid medical leave, the employee later applied for Social Security benefits, and long-term disability, issues considered from a physicians

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Case analysis--- intercultural communication Essay

Case analysis--- intercultural communication - Essay Example The term globalization can be defined on the basis of four elements such as network extensity that facilitates connecting with different organizations, countries and people located across the globe, interaction intensity in such networks, speed of movement of such people, products, information across the globe, and the impact that is caused on various communities due to such a trend. In the context of globalization there often exists dilemma amongst the companies as to follow the ethical standards that are set in their home country or to adapt to the cultures and ethics of the local country so as to sustain its business operations (Varner & Beamer, 2011).One of the most renowned companies in the technology sector that faced such a dilemma was Google. It is the largest search engine across the globe with a total market of 70% in United States as identified in the year 2010. The company has not only been able to achieve high performance standards and success but also have set an image of being highly ethical by nature. The company performs all its operations based on the philosophy that money can be made even without doing any such thing that is evil. The major turmoil that the company noticed was in the year 2006 with the launch of a search engine that was China based. The company’s major motive was to gain market share in China and to make the Chinese pop ulation easily access all forms of information through its search engine (Human Rights Watch, 2010). However the company in order to be aligned with the censorship laws of the Chinese government agreed on the aspect of filtering certain words and information that would violate the law. Such words majorly were those that were politically sensitive such as democracy, etc. However the company faced major challenge through this initiative as many personnel engaged in human

Monday, October 28, 2019

Book Report - Middle School Series Essay Example for Free

Book Report Middle School Series Essay ? Rafe Khatchadorian has enough issues around his family life, without throwing his first year of middle school into the mix. Luckily, hes got an incredible plan for the best year ever, if only he can pull it off. With his best friend Leonardo the Silent awarding him points, Rafe tries to break every rule in his schools Code of Conduct. Having gum in class scores him 5,000 points, running through the hallways, another 10,000 points and pulling the fire alarm, 50,000 points! But not everyone thinks that Rafe’s game is a good idea, especially the teachers, parents and other students at the school, so hell have to decide if winning is all that matters, or if hes finally ready to face the rules, bullies, and truths hes been avoiding. http://www. jamespatterson. com/books_middleSchool. php#. UWY9FFdstN4 Middle School the Worst Years of My Life is written by James Patterson and is a realistic fiction book that takes you through the journey of Rafe’s first year at middle school, dealing with the awkwardness of crushes, bullies, and family issues as he tries to break every rule in the school’s Code of Conduct. The book features many different pictures that tell you what’s going on as well, and is considered a graphic novel. Middle School the Worst Years of my Life received a critical acclaim from the most reviewers, it won the YALSA 2012’s Top Ten Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Readers award and James Patterson got nominated for the Children’s Book Council’s Author of the Year award. James has written well over 50 books, a lot of them being in series, and has won many awards. Middle School the Worst Years of My Life is the first book in the Middle School series. The setting of the Middle School series is in middle school. There is no specific day or time that this book is set in, other than it being during middle school. A lot of the time the rules that are broken are broken within the school timing, but there are one or two rules that get broken out of school times. I think the setting has been chosen well, and believed it suited the book well. The novel starts with Rafe entering sixth grade at Hills Village Middle School. Beginning the new school year with a negative mindset means that Rafe starts the year bored and believes that ‘it was a prison Pilgrims back then, but not too much has changed. Now it’s a prison for sixth, seventh and eighth graders. ’ Rafe quickly understands that he will be stuck in middle school for 3 years, and invents â€Å"Operation R. A. F. E. † with his best friend Leonardo the Silent. The plan was to break every single rule in the schools handbook. He also has to put up with the issues in his home life. His mum is always working double shifts at a diner and never gets time with her children, Rafe, and Rafe’s younger sister, Georgia. He has a verbally abusive stepfather (Bear) who looks after him when his mother is away. Then, there’s Jeanne Galletta, who Rafe is madly in love with. Jeanne is a doubtful of Rafe’s plan and wishes he would spend more time on school work then his games. Operation R. A. F. E’s consequences consists of many detentions with his English teacher, Ms. Donatello. This creates tension between Rafe’s family, and after having a fight with Bear about Leonardo and how he is a bad influence on Rafe, we discover that Leonardo is Rafe’s imaginary friend. Rafe’s actions eventually lead to bad grades, getting himself suspended, and then forced to be tutored by Jeanne, whom he had been trying to avoid because she doesn‘t like him. While the tension in the family gets stronger, Bear throws Rafe’s mother to the ground and moves out, Rafe gets expelled for spraying graffiti on the school walls, but Ms. Donatello see’s the potential artist within him and comes up with the idea to send him to art school. The final part of the book reveals that Leonardo is Rafe’s dead twin brother. An exciting part of the novel is when Rafe graffiti’s the school wall at four in the morning. ‘The next morning, I left a note for Mom saying that I had to go to school extra early to work on a project, which was basically true. I just left out the part about how early meant four in the morning and project meant highly illegal activity. â€Å"You’re not going to regret this,† Leo kept telling me. The way he saw it, the whole point of Operation R. A. F. E. was about breaking rules, so why should I let a little thing like losing the game stop me from doing the part I’d been looking forward to the most? Like I said before – genius†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦I unpacked my new flat black marker, a big old camping flashlight, and some of my latest practice sketches. I’d drawn these ones on graph paper, which is kind of like a brick wall, to show me how big everything would need to be. But Leo was feeling impatient, â€Å"You don’t need those anymore,† he said. â€Å"The clock’s ticking. Stop thinking so much and just go. † So I did. I set up the flashlight on a rock so that it was shining right at the wall. Then I picked up my marker and started. It was king of slow-moving at the beginning. I wasn’t sure what to draw first, or what order to do things in. But the more I kept going, the more I got into it, and then somewhere along the way everything started to flow†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. After a while I was running around like crazy, working over here, working over there and getting up on an old trash can to reach the higher parts when I needed to. The whole thing started to get so big that I felt like I was inside it, even while I was still drawing. It was like Leo had said – I wasn’t thinking anymore. I was just doing it, like the marker was just another part of me, and the lines and shapes and pictures were coming right out of my hand. ’ After a while, the police show up, and are surprised that a kid had done all that work, but then again, it was illegal, so into the cop car went Rafe and Leo. I like this part of the novel because I felt as if I was in the actual scene. It was as if I was Leo and I was scared we’d get caught. This scene, although it’s short, it was intense. You didn’t want Rafe to get caught, but you wanted to know what would have happened when he got caught. I just believe that the way this chapter/scene has been written makes it believable and makes you feel like you’re there. The style of this novel is average pace. The novel begins out very slowly, and it doesn’t have much meaning, but once the novel gets a fair way into it, the drama begins, and the pace slowly picks up. At the end of the novel, things get more intense and more happens in a shorter amount of time, and by the end of the novel, so much has happened, that it takes a while to comprehend what has happened, but you realise that James wrote it that way for a reason, and to me, that reason was so that he could have a short book, that had a lot in it, and might eventually be able to make a movie, much like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies. The Worst Years of my Life uses a lot of slang humour, but not so much that it’s over powering, it’s just enough that it creates the characteristics of the book. A genre is the category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. There are several genre’s the feature in this novel, some more than others. The genres that feature heavily in Middle School the Worst Years of My Life are: Comedy Humour Drama The genre that is featured in the book, but not as heavily is romance. Have you ever had a crush on someone and had them not like you back? Romance is a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. Rafe Khatchadorian discovers his feelings for Jeanne Galletta on one of his first days at school. They were all sitting in the school gym and she was one of the candidates for the student council representatives and part way through or speech, she offers to buy Rafe fries later that day, and that’s when he knew he liked her. Towards the end of the novel, Rafe’s grades start to go downhill and the school as well as his Mum think it’s a good idea to get some extra help. Little did Rafe know that his dream girl Jeanne was going to be his tutor. Even though Rafe is a teenage boy who likes girls, middle school would not be any good without a sense of humor or a comedian mixed into the scene. The biggest class clown in the school is here, and his name? Rafe Khatchadorian. A class clown is the funniest person in the class who often gets in trouble. Rafe’s first year at middle school is spent trouble making and trying to make people laugh, but not everyone thinks that his plan to break every rule in the Code of Conduct. Miller the Killer was the school bully, and his new prey is Rafe. Throughout Rafe’s middle school year, he comes into conflict with Miller many times. The biggest thing that happens to Rafe because of Miller the Killer is when he discovers Rafe’s notebook with all the Operation R. A. F. E. (Rules Aren’t For Everyone) and makes Rafe buy each page back off of him for a dollar a page, but Rafe discovers Miller’s plan with the notebook early on, and it isn’t pretty. Miller the Killer enjoys making Rafe’s first year at middle school hell, but Rafe enjoys the humorous side of school. School is tough on everyone, so what’s the best way to get through? Have fun! And that’s what Rafe intends to do by breaking all the rules in the Code of Conduct and earning himself points. The catch is, he only gets given three lives, and if he breaks all three, the games over. All the seriousness aside, Rafe gives himself, and Leo a good laugh. The funniest scene in the book to me was when Rafe decides to break the schools dress code, and he was given the best chance to do this with Halloween just around the corner. Leo knew that it would only be a matter of time before Rafe was caught by a teacher, so Leo was giving him 10,000 points for every 50 yards of the school he covered in his costume. Rafe ran, as fast as he could in all black, with a pocket full of Cheerios as throwing stars, and nunchucks made from paper towel roles with rope knotted at either end. Yep, you guessed it. Rafe was a ninja. ‘I came tearing out of that bathroom at full speed and just kept running – through the first floor (10,000! ), up the stairs (10,000! ), down the second floor hall past all the lockers (10,000! ), throwing Cheerios and swinging my nunchucks like crazy. ’ Right before he got caught, Miller the Killer was right in his aim. ‘I made sure my mask was pulled down tight over my face. Then I took a big windup as I went by, and beaned him upside the head with one of the chucks (10,000! ). â€Å"What the ? † Miller turned the wrong way, just as I passed him. By the time he’d figured out where I came from and where I was headed, I’d already left him in the dust. He was twice as big as me, but I was twice as fast. Eat it, Miller! ’ And then it happened. Caught right in the act. Yep, a teacher saw him†¦ Well, he ran into the teacher. Games over Rafe. ‘And then – splam! I ran right into Mrs. Stricker. Literally. Let’s just say, she wasn’t in the mood for wrestling. ’ But Rafe had another plan and it was going to earn him double points. ‘I went into the bathroom and came out a minute later without my ninja costume, running just as fast as before. Some kids got out of my way. Some even ran in the other direction. A few of the girls screamed when I cam2 through, but I dont think they meant it. And a few people even yelled stuff like â€Å"Go, Rafe, go! † and â€Å"Dont let ‘em get you! † Because, like I said, I wasn’t wearing my ninja costume anymore. In fact, I wasn’t wearing much of anything at all. ’ No, he wasn’t naked, but he wasn’t wearing much†¦ ‘Just sneakers, a pair of boxers, and a big old smile. Boy, did Rafe get in big trouble for that, but on the other hand, he did earn himself a lot of points! Rafe loves making people laugh, and I believe that the reason he does it isn’t for other people, but he does it to make himself feel good. I believe that the main theme in this novel is coming of age and growing up into a better person in a way. To me, I think this means that by using the resources that are around you (family, friends etc. ) to become the person you are supposed to be. For Rafe, this is trying to get over his prank, funny, humorous stage, and into the more serious schooling stage. This can be hard for some people, especially when they don’t get along with their family, and when their only friend is in their imagination, but by the end of the book, Rafe has realised that even though he isn’t academically smart, he does have a gift with art, which sees him going to art school. Love is also in the novel, as Rafe discovers Jeanne Galletta, but it doesn’t impact on the story as much as growing up does. The main characters in the book are: Rafael (Rafe) Khatchadorian – Rafe is the trouble maker in the story who is in his first year at Hills Village Middle School. Rafe is important because without him, there is no story. I like this character because he makes the book fun. Even though he isn’t an actual person, this character has a funny personality and a childish sense of humour. I believe that James Patterson has described this character well. Georgia Khatchadorian – Georgia is Rafe’s annoying little sister who likes to be in everyone’s business and know what’s going on in Rafe’s life, especially when he is in trouble. She is also the family tattletale and always dobs Rafe in when she catches him doing something wrong. Even though Georgia annoys Rafe a lot, he also protects her, which is like all siblings love-hate relationships. I like her because I think I can relate to her because I am the younger sister in my family, and I like to annoy my older brother, but I also know that he will always be there for me. I think that Georgia is a main character in this story because she is a part of Rafe’s home issues because she never leaves him alone and always wants to know what’s going on in his life. Carl AKA Bear – Bear is Georgia and Rafe’s, abusive, rude, obese stepdad who can be found on the couch. Bear is often yelling at Rafe after school. He also argues with Mrs. Khatchadorian, Rafe and Georgia’s mum, and one argument let Bear to accidently push her down the front steps, and when the police show up, it doesn’t look good for Carl. I don’t like him at all! He’s so rude and obnoxious, and I would hate to have a step parent as bad as him. Leonardo (Leo) the Silent – Leo is Rafe’s best friend, who we later discover is in his imagination. We also later find out that Leo was Rafe’s twin brother who died when he was still a baby. I think that Leo is the glue that holds everything together. He helps Rafe with school, with home, and he gives him the motivation to keep going when things get tough. I really like Leo the Silent because even though he isn’t real, he is the perfect best friend. Jeanne (Jay-Gee) Galletta – Jeanne is Rafe’s crush. He is madly in love with her, but she is also the goody-two-shoes of the school, and she hates Operation R. A. F. E. I like her but I don’t. I feel like she tries too hard to be a good student, and doesn’t give herself enough freedom, which is why I don’t like her. I think that being a teenager, or getting to that stage  means that you can manage school and social life, and to me, it’s like she has no social life. She’s important in the story because as we get older, we start to see people in different ways, and we start to like them, and I believe that Jeanne is important because without her, it’s not a real adolescent’s life. Ms. Donatello AKA the Dragon Lady – Ms. Donatello is Rafe’s English teacher, as well as his detention buddy. Even though she is strict and can get aggravated easily, she also has Rafe’s best interest at heart and wouldn’t help him if she didn’t believe he was better than what he shows. I like her because I have had plenty of teachers that are hard on me, but they do it because they want what’s best, and without that push, we wouldn’t grow and evolve as people. I understand why Rafe doesn’t particular like her, but teachers always want what’s best, and he will eventually see that. Miller AKA Miller the Killer – Miller is the school bully, hence the name ‘Miller the Killer. ’ He is constantly giving Rafe a hard time throughout his first year at middle school, and without the school bully, school wouldn’t be school. There is always that one person that puts people down to make themselves feel good, although not a lot of bullies take kids lunch money, but hurt them mentally, or even physically. I don’t like Miller because I believe that he hurts people because he can and he needs to get disciplined. Without Miller, or a bully in the book, it wouldn’t be like school life, so I can understand why James Patterson included him in it. I’m not much of a reader, but I really enjoyed this book, and I found it easy to understand and comprehend because of the little sketches throughout the book. This book is much like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and I believe it is aimed at the same kind of age group. I think that I was too old to read this novel, but I didn’t find it so easy that I could just read it in a day, but not hard enough that it took me forever to read. It was a good balance, so I would suggest it for kids 13 years old and younger, somewhere between 9 and 13. To be honest, it was a good book, but it could have been made longer so not everything happened at once towards the end. In general, it was a good read, and I would recommend it to younger kids who enjoy having a good laugh and getting into trouble.