Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Case analysis--- intercultural communication Essay

Case analysis--- intercultural communication - Essay Example The term globalization can be defined on the basis of four elements such as network extensity that facilitates connecting with different organizations, countries and people located across the globe, interaction intensity in such networks, speed of movement of such people, products, information across the globe, and the impact that is caused on various communities due to such a trend. In the context of globalization there often exists dilemma amongst the companies as to follow the ethical standards that are set in their home country or to adapt to the cultures and ethics of the local country so as to sustain its business operations (Varner & Beamer, 2011).One of the most renowned companies in the technology sector that faced such a dilemma was Google. It is the largest search engine across the globe with a total market of 70% in United States as identified in the year 2010. The company has not only been able to achieve high performance standards and success but also have set an image of being highly ethical by nature. The company performs all its operations based on the philosophy that money can be made even without doing any such thing that is evil. The major turmoil that the company noticed was in the year 2006 with the launch of a search engine that was China based. The company’s major motive was to gain market share in China and to make the Chinese pop ulation easily access all forms of information through its search engine (Human Rights Watch, 2010). However the company in order to be aligned with the censorship laws of the Chinese government agreed on the aspect of filtering certain words and information that would violate the law. Such words majorly were those that were politically sensitive such as democracy, etc. However the company faced major challenge through this initiative as many personnel engaged in human

Monday, October 28, 2019

Book Report - Middle School Series Essay Example for Free

Book Report Middle School Series Essay ? Rafe Khatchadorian has enough issues around his family life, without throwing his first year of middle school into the mix. Luckily, hes got an incredible plan for the best year ever, if only he can pull it off. With his best friend Leonardo the Silent awarding him points, Rafe tries to break every rule in his schools Code of Conduct. Having gum in class scores him 5,000 points, running through the hallways, another 10,000 points and pulling the fire alarm, 50,000 points! But not everyone thinks that Rafe’s game is a good idea, especially the teachers, parents and other students at the school, so hell have to decide if winning is all that matters, or if hes finally ready to face the rules, bullies, and truths hes been avoiding. http://www. jamespatterson. com/books_middleSchool. php#. UWY9FFdstN4 Middle School the Worst Years of My Life is written by James Patterson and is a realistic fiction book that takes you through the journey of Rafe’s first year at middle school, dealing with the awkwardness of crushes, bullies, and family issues as he tries to break every rule in the school’s Code of Conduct. The book features many different pictures that tell you what’s going on as well, and is considered a graphic novel. Middle School the Worst Years of my Life received a critical acclaim from the most reviewers, it won the YALSA 2012’s Top Ten Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Readers award and James Patterson got nominated for the Children’s Book Council’s Author of the Year award. James has written well over 50 books, a lot of them being in series, and has won many awards. Middle School the Worst Years of My Life is the first book in the Middle School series. The setting of the Middle School series is in middle school. There is no specific day or time that this book is set in, other than it being during middle school. A lot of the time the rules that are broken are broken within the school timing, but there are one or two rules that get broken out of school times. I think the setting has been chosen well, and believed it suited the book well. The novel starts with Rafe entering sixth grade at Hills Village Middle School. Beginning the new school year with a negative mindset means that Rafe starts the year bored and believes that ‘it was a prison Pilgrims back then, but not too much has changed. Now it’s a prison for sixth, seventh and eighth graders. ’ Rafe quickly understands that he will be stuck in middle school for 3 years, and invents â€Å"Operation R. A. F. E. † with his best friend Leonardo the Silent. The plan was to break every single rule in the schools handbook. He also has to put up with the issues in his home life. His mum is always working double shifts at a diner and never gets time with her children, Rafe, and Rafe’s younger sister, Georgia. He has a verbally abusive stepfather (Bear) who looks after him when his mother is away. Then, there’s Jeanne Galletta, who Rafe is madly in love with. Jeanne is a doubtful of Rafe’s plan and wishes he would spend more time on school work then his games. Operation R. A. F. E’s consequences consists of many detentions with his English teacher, Ms. Donatello. This creates tension between Rafe’s family, and after having a fight with Bear about Leonardo and how he is a bad influence on Rafe, we discover that Leonardo is Rafe’s imaginary friend. Rafe’s actions eventually lead to bad grades, getting himself suspended, and then forced to be tutored by Jeanne, whom he had been trying to avoid because she doesn‘t like him. While the tension in the family gets stronger, Bear throws Rafe’s mother to the ground and moves out, Rafe gets expelled for spraying graffiti on the school walls, but Ms. Donatello see’s the potential artist within him and comes up with the idea to send him to art school. The final part of the book reveals that Leonardo is Rafe’s dead twin brother. An exciting part of the novel is when Rafe graffiti’s the school wall at four in the morning. ‘The next morning, I left a note for Mom saying that I had to go to school extra early to work on a project, which was basically true. I just left out the part about how early meant four in the morning and project meant highly illegal activity. â€Å"You’re not going to regret this,† Leo kept telling me. The way he saw it, the whole point of Operation R. A. F. E. was about breaking rules, so why should I let a little thing like losing the game stop me from doing the part I’d been looking forward to the most? Like I said before – genius†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦I unpacked my new flat black marker, a big old camping flashlight, and some of my latest practice sketches. I’d drawn these ones on graph paper, which is kind of like a brick wall, to show me how big everything would need to be. But Leo was feeling impatient, â€Å"You don’t need those anymore,† he said. â€Å"The clock’s ticking. Stop thinking so much and just go. † So I did. I set up the flashlight on a rock so that it was shining right at the wall. Then I picked up my marker and started. It was king of slow-moving at the beginning. I wasn’t sure what to draw first, or what order to do things in. But the more I kept going, the more I got into it, and then somewhere along the way everything started to flow†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. After a while I was running around like crazy, working over here, working over there and getting up on an old trash can to reach the higher parts when I needed to. The whole thing started to get so big that I felt like I was inside it, even while I was still drawing. It was like Leo had said – I wasn’t thinking anymore. I was just doing it, like the marker was just another part of me, and the lines and shapes and pictures were coming right out of my hand. ’ After a while, the police show up, and are surprised that a kid had done all that work, but then again, it was illegal, so into the cop car went Rafe and Leo. I like this part of the novel because I felt as if I was in the actual scene. It was as if I was Leo and I was scared we’d get caught. This scene, although it’s short, it was intense. You didn’t want Rafe to get caught, but you wanted to know what would have happened when he got caught. I just believe that the way this chapter/scene has been written makes it believable and makes you feel like you’re there. The style of this novel is average pace. The novel begins out very slowly, and it doesn’t have much meaning, but once the novel gets a fair way into it, the drama begins, and the pace slowly picks up. At the end of the novel, things get more intense and more happens in a shorter amount of time, and by the end of the novel, so much has happened, that it takes a while to comprehend what has happened, but you realise that James wrote it that way for a reason, and to me, that reason was so that he could have a short book, that had a lot in it, and might eventually be able to make a movie, much like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies. The Worst Years of my Life uses a lot of slang humour, but not so much that it’s over powering, it’s just enough that it creates the characteristics of the book. A genre is the category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. There are several genre’s the feature in this novel, some more than others. The genres that feature heavily in Middle School the Worst Years of My Life are: Comedy Humour Drama The genre that is featured in the book, but not as heavily is romance. Have you ever had a crush on someone and had them not like you back? Romance is a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. Rafe Khatchadorian discovers his feelings for Jeanne Galletta on one of his first days at school. They were all sitting in the school gym and she was one of the candidates for the student council representatives and part way through or speech, she offers to buy Rafe fries later that day, and that’s when he knew he liked her. Towards the end of the novel, Rafe’s grades start to go downhill and the school as well as his Mum think it’s a good idea to get some extra help. Little did Rafe know that his dream girl Jeanne was going to be his tutor. Even though Rafe is a teenage boy who likes girls, middle school would not be any good without a sense of humor or a comedian mixed into the scene. The biggest class clown in the school is here, and his name? Rafe Khatchadorian. A class clown is the funniest person in the class who often gets in trouble. Rafe’s first year at middle school is spent trouble making and trying to make people laugh, but not everyone thinks that his plan to break every rule in the Code of Conduct. Miller the Killer was the school bully, and his new prey is Rafe. Throughout Rafe’s middle school year, he comes into conflict with Miller many times. The biggest thing that happens to Rafe because of Miller the Killer is when he discovers Rafe’s notebook with all the Operation R. A. F. E. (Rules Aren’t For Everyone) and makes Rafe buy each page back off of him for a dollar a page, but Rafe discovers Miller’s plan with the notebook early on, and it isn’t pretty. Miller the Killer enjoys making Rafe’s first year at middle school hell, but Rafe enjoys the humorous side of school. School is tough on everyone, so what’s the best way to get through? Have fun! And that’s what Rafe intends to do by breaking all the rules in the Code of Conduct and earning himself points. The catch is, he only gets given three lives, and if he breaks all three, the games over. All the seriousness aside, Rafe gives himself, and Leo a good laugh. The funniest scene in the book to me was when Rafe decides to break the schools dress code, and he was given the best chance to do this with Halloween just around the corner. Leo knew that it would only be a matter of time before Rafe was caught by a teacher, so Leo was giving him 10,000 points for every 50 yards of the school he covered in his costume. Rafe ran, as fast as he could in all black, with a pocket full of Cheerios as throwing stars, and nunchucks made from paper towel roles with rope knotted at either end. Yep, you guessed it. Rafe was a ninja. ‘I came tearing out of that bathroom at full speed and just kept running – through the first floor (10,000! ), up the stairs (10,000! ), down the second floor hall past all the lockers (10,000! ), throwing Cheerios and swinging my nunchucks like crazy. ’ Right before he got caught, Miller the Killer was right in his aim. ‘I made sure my mask was pulled down tight over my face. Then I took a big windup as I went by, and beaned him upside the head with one of the chucks (10,000! ). â€Å"What the ? † Miller turned the wrong way, just as I passed him. By the time he’d figured out where I came from and where I was headed, I’d already left him in the dust. He was twice as big as me, but I was twice as fast. Eat it, Miller! ’ And then it happened. Caught right in the act. Yep, a teacher saw him†¦ Well, he ran into the teacher. Games over Rafe. ‘And then – splam! I ran right into Mrs. Stricker. Literally. Let’s just say, she wasn’t in the mood for wrestling. ’ But Rafe had another plan and it was going to earn him double points. ‘I went into the bathroom and came out a minute later without my ninja costume, running just as fast as before. Some kids got out of my way. Some even ran in the other direction. A few of the girls screamed when I cam2 through, but I dont think they meant it. And a few people even yelled stuff like â€Å"Go, Rafe, go! † and â€Å"Dont let ‘em get you! † Because, like I said, I wasn’t wearing my ninja costume anymore. In fact, I wasn’t wearing much of anything at all. ’ No, he wasn’t naked, but he wasn’t wearing much†¦ ‘Just sneakers, a pair of boxers, and a big old smile. Boy, did Rafe get in big trouble for that, but on the other hand, he did earn himself a lot of points! Rafe loves making people laugh, and I believe that the reason he does it isn’t for other people, but he does it to make himself feel good. I believe that the main theme in this novel is coming of age and growing up into a better person in a way. To me, I think this means that by using the resources that are around you (family, friends etc. ) to become the person you are supposed to be. For Rafe, this is trying to get over his prank, funny, humorous stage, and into the more serious schooling stage. This can be hard for some people, especially when they don’t get along with their family, and when their only friend is in their imagination, but by the end of the book, Rafe has realised that even though he isn’t academically smart, he does have a gift with art, which sees him going to art school. Love is also in the novel, as Rafe discovers Jeanne Galletta, but it doesn’t impact on the story as much as growing up does. The main characters in the book are: Rafael (Rafe) Khatchadorian – Rafe is the trouble maker in the story who is in his first year at Hills Village Middle School. Rafe is important because without him, there is no story. I like this character because he makes the book fun. Even though he isn’t an actual person, this character has a funny personality and a childish sense of humour. I believe that James Patterson has described this character well. Georgia Khatchadorian – Georgia is Rafe’s annoying little sister who likes to be in everyone’s business and know what’s going on in Rafe’s life, especially when he is in trouble. She is also the family tattletale and always dobs Rafe in when she catches him doing something wrong. Even though Georgia annoys Rafe a lot, he also protects her, which is like all siblings love-hate relationships. I like her because I think I can relate to her because I am the younger sister in my family, and I like to annoy my older brother, but I also know that he will always be there for me. I think that Georgia is a main character in this story because she is a part of Rafe’s home issues because she never leaves him alone and always wants to know what’s going on in his life. Carl AKA Bear – Bear is Georgia and Rafe’s, abusive, rude, obese stepdad who can be found on the couch. Bear is often yelling at Rafe after school. He also argues with Mrs. Khatchadorian, Rafe and Georgia’s mum, and one argument let Bear to accidently push her down the front steps, and when the police show up, it doesn’t look good for Carl. I don’t like him at all! He’s so rude and obnoxious, and I would hate to have a step parent as bad as him. Leonardo (Leo) the Silent – Leo is Rafe’s best friend, who we later discover is in his imagination. We also later find out that Leo was Rafe’s twin brother who died when he was still a baby. I think that Leo is the glue that holds everything together. He helps Rafe with school, with home, and he gives him the motivation to keep going when things get tough. I really like Leo the Silent because even though he isn’t real, he is the perfect best friend. Jeanne (Jay-Gee) Galletta – Jeanne is Rafe’s crush. He is madly in love with her, but she is also the goody-two-shoes of the school, and she hates Operation R. A. F. E. I like her but I don’t. I feel like she tries too hard to be a good student, and doesn’t give herself enough freedom, which is why I don’t like her. I think that being a teenager, or getting to that stage  means that you can manage school and social life, and to me, it’s like she has no social life. She’s important in the story because as we get older, we start to see people in different ways, and we start to like them, and I believe that Jeanne is important because without her, it’s not a real adolescent’s life. Ms. Donatello AKA the Dragon Lady – Ms. Donatello is Rafe’s English teacher, as well as his detention buddy. Even though she is strict and can get aggravated easily, she also has Rafe’s best interest at heart and wouldn’t help him if she didn’t believe he was better than what he shows. I like her because I have had plenty of teachers that are hard on me, but they do it because they want what’s best, and without that push, we wouldn’t grow and evolve as people. I understand why Rafe doesn’t particular like her, but teachers always want what’s best, and he will eventually see that. Miller AKA Miller the Killer – Miller is the school bully, hence the name ‘Miller the Killer. ’ He is constantly giving Rafe a hard time throughout his first year at middle school, and without the school bully, school wouldn’t be school. There is always that one person that puts people down to make themselves feel good, although not a lot of bullies take kids lunch money, but hurt them mentally, or even physically. I don’t like Miller because I believe that he hurts people because he can and he needs to get disciplined. Without Miller, or a bully in the book, it wouldn’t be like school life, so I can understand why James Patterson included him in it. I’m not much of a reader, but I really enjoyed this book, and I found it easy to understand and comprehend because of the little sketches throughout the book. This book is much like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and I believe it is aimed at the same kind of age group. I think that I was too old to read this novel, but I didn’t find it so easy that I could just read it in a day, but not hard enough that it took me forever to read. It was a good balance, so I would suggest it for kids 13 years old and younger, somewhere between 9 and 13. To be honest, it was a good book, but it could have been made longer so not everything happened at once towards the end. In general, it was a good read, and I would recommend it to younger kids who enjoy having a good laugh and getting into trouble.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

accident :: essays research papers

Wild Ride   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Can you imagine being thrown from a car at 30mph? Well, I never thought I could until this happened to me in the summer of 1999. It was a gorgeous June afternoon, and summer had just begun. I had just gotten my license, and I couldn’t wait to go cruisin’ in my parents new yellow Ford Expedition. I had spent the day at my friends house, and now I was on my way home. I was almost home, I just had to turn onto the gravel road to get to my house. While I was turning, I was trying to put in a mix CD I had just made, and trying to turn the corner at the same time. I guess I was going a little too fast, because all of a sudden, I found myself lying in the ditch, outside of my truck. I had the bitter taste of blood in my mouth. I slowly got up on one leg and struggled up to the road. There was an old white pickup coming down the road and I waved it down. It was a farmer and he called an ambulance on his cell phone. While we were waiting for the ambulance I was hysterical. I couldn’t move or feel my left arm or leg. I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain in my broken limbs. The farmer did everything he could think of to calm me down a little bit. He asked me questions about family, school, and pretty much anything he could think of. I learned all about his wife, and his family; his grandkids, and even their grandkids. Eventually, after what seemed like three hours waiting for the ambulance, it finally got there. The paramedics rushed out, and loaded me into the wailing vehicle. The whole way to the hospital they asked me questions about my injuries and on what I remember about the incident. The pain was almost unbearable, so I told enough of what they wanted to hear, just so they’d shut up. They put my arm and leg in splints and finally gave me something for the pain. After about 15 minutes in the ambulance we got to the hospital and they hauled me into the X-ray room and took X-rays of my arm and leg. They found out that my forearm bone and the bone under the bicep was broken in my left arm and that I had broken my fibula in my left leg.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Identity in James Baldwin’s Stranger in the Village and Zora Neale Hurs

Identity in James Baldwin’s â€Å"Stranger in the Village† and Zora Neale Hurston’s â€Å"How it Feels to be Colored Me† Everyone has a story, a past experience that has built them up to be the person that they are today. In both James Baldwin’s â€Å"Stranger in the Village† and Zora Neale Hurston’s â€Å"How it Feels to be Colored Me† the presence of conflicting views in their stories holds a large impact on how they later develop as individuals. While Baldwin’s piece demonstrates the ignorance from society which is projected onto him from Swiss villagers, it shares both similarities and differences to the attitudes demonstrated in Hurston’s piece influenced by her surroundings. Being that it is difficult to escape the past and the events that have brought strength through triumph, it is important to focus one’s attention on the present and into the future. Although the past determines who an individual is, the future determines who an individual will become. James Baldwin holds the ability to push through negative affiliations in order to reach self establishment. As demonstrated in â€Å"Stranger in the Village,† Baldwin is simply just a black man who â€Å"was motivated by the need to establish an identity† (196). Through his desire of recognition as a human being rather than as an object, Baldwin is willing to look past the ignorance of the Swiss villagers and focus on defining himself. Greeted by the children’s calls of â€Å"Neger! Neger!,† Baldwin unintentionally finds himself reminiscing (191). Although the children’s label is not meant in a derogatory fashion, it causes Baldwin to surrender to the racial indifference of his past. Baldwin attempts to disregard his unpleasant reflection and justify the fact that change has been made. ... ...experiences and refocus his or her energy toward the future, however, through the works of both James Baldwin and Zora Neale Hurston, it is shown to be possible. Through their experiences they worked to develop their identities, and through the present they looked toward the future in order to reach establishment. It is true that everyone has a story; however, it is up to each individual to take that story and make it his or her own by creating an identity for him or herself. Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Stranger in the Village.† The Norton Reader. Ed. Linda H. Peterson and John C. Brereton. 11th ed. New York: Norton, 2004. 360-68. Hurston, Zora N. ""How It Feels to Be Colored Me." Grammar and Composition - Homepage of About Grammar and Composition. Web. 08 Dec. 2009. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gestalt Laws Essay

The Law of Figure-Ground This law is to subdivides the image into two parts, one that is clear to the eyes and another one, that is not so clear, sometimes our mind focus so much in one image that can see the other one. This image is a great example, where you can see batman and joker. The Law of Simplicity This law is about that a content of what you see must be simple, otherwise the person that is seeing the image, ads or a website get tired of looking the important information on it. Example of a good usage, advertisement from WWF The law of proximity This law says that the items that are the belong together must stay that way, to avoid misunderstanding and to become clear. For example you can see that is clear that the name of the woman on the front cover of the magazine it’s called Nicole Scherzinger The law of similarity This law is used a lot in the packaging of the products where the people associate color, shapes, forms or typography to a certain brand. A really strong example of that is coca-cola. The Law of Symmetry This law says that the symmetrical images are mo please to our eyes and we associate better parts of the images better if they are symmetrical. A example is this photo of a building that have symmetrical architecture. The Law of Similar Background This law helps grouping information by giving a different background. Such as this image that uses the background color blue to identify the sponsors. The Law of Closure The Law of Closure explains why elements are recognized even if they are incomplete or nonexistent. The Law of Gap-filling The Law of Gap-filling says that our brains fills the gaps in a image. Such as this dalmata that is not complete The law of continuity This law explains that every time that we see a continuous image or a arrow we tend to continue follow that direction. As this image that says to look to the left but our brains follow the arrow.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Effectiveness Of Leadership At Mcdonalds Management Essay Essay Essays

Effectiveness Of Leadership At Mcdonalds Management Essay Essay Essays Effectiveness Of Leadership At Mcdonalds Management Essay Essay Essay Effectiveness Of Leadership At Mcdonalds Management Essay Essay Essay I had the chance of working at a McDonald’s concatenation of eating houses after completion of my undergraduate surveies. I was able to detect the function played by members of a squad. their squad work and leading of the Manager of the eating house. I would wish to analyze the leading manners practiced. measure the effectivity of leading at McDonald’s eating house and do recommendations bespeaking how leading and squad work can travel manus in manus to better the public presentation of the administration. The first McDonald’s opened its doors to clients in the UK in 1974. Presently. over 2. 5 million people in the UK place their trust in McDonald. anticipating that the multinational would supply them with nutrient of a high criterion. speedy service and value for money. Models and theories that will be discussed in the ulterior parts of this essay are Adair’s Leadership Model and Maslow’s theory of hierarchy which will be applied to McDonald’s. Leadership manners such as bossy. democratic and persuasive are besides discussed to happen out which of the three is the ideal theoretical account for McDonald’s. A squad is a aggregation of persons who are mutualist in their undertakings. who portion duty for results. who see themselves and who are seen by others as an integral societal entity embedded in one or more larger societal systems ( for illustration. concern unit or the corporation ) . and who manage their relationships across organizational boundaries ( Susan Cohen and Diane Bailey. 1997 ) . A squad is defined as a little figure of people. with a set of public presentation ends. who have a committedness to a common intent and an attack for which they hold themselves reciprocally accountable ( Katzenbach A ; Smith 1993 ) . There are several factors that influence the success of a squad. Team members must hold the needed accomplishments and attitudes and must make an atmosphere in which everyone can work with devotedness. There should be transparence within the squad which is possible if there is effectual system of communicating between all members. All members of the squad must hold set duties and must be cognizant of what is expected from them. In this manner all members of the squad will be accountable. All members must hold harmonizing accomplishments and must organize among themselves to extinguish any uncertainnesss or reserves. Members of a squad must truly appreciate the attempts of fellow members. An effectual leader is one who does the right things. Leaderships can efficaciously develop and take squads if they have the ability to make and pass on a vision what the organisation should be. They should hold the ability to pass on with and derive the support of all squad members. They should hold the doggedness to caput in the coveted way under bad conditions and make the suited civilization to obtain the needful consequences. Levine. R. ( 2000 ) is of the sentiment that leaders need to concentrate on traveling people and administrations frontward by increasing the competence of staff and the co-operation of squads in order to better the administration. Leadership is related to motive. interpersonal behavior and the procedure of communicating. Leadership is of import in trying to cut down employee dissatisfaction ( Crow M. 995 ) . The duties of the Restaurant Manager or the squad leader at McDonald’s are to put marks. program budgets. maintain and control stock. recruit. train and actuate a squad. create and drive selling runs and physique and surrogate client dealingss. Leaderships ate McDonald’s eating houses do non put down any fixed regulations on how rapidly persons of a squad can come on. Opportunities are given to team members to go directors if they perform good. For this to go on. the crew member must lend to the success of the squad. The direction manner adopted by squad leaders at McDonald’s is to make mercantile establishments which are fun topographic points to work. This is called â€Å"team-building† . Leaderships at McDonald’s Foster answerability and understand the societal duty civilization and integrate these activities into their concerns. In fact the squad leaders have all the features that were used by Stogdill ( 1950 ) to specify leading. The characteristic include: traits. behavior. influence. interaction forms. function relationships and business of an administrative place ; jointing visions ( e. g. Bill Gates ) . incarnating values and making environment for the things that can be accomplished ; entities that perform one or more Acts of the Apostless of taking ; the ability to impact human behaviors so as to carry through a mission and Influencing a group of people to travel towards its end scene or end accomplishment. ( Stogdill. 1950 ) The McDonalds Model is that of Adair’s Model which is called action-centred leading. This is a constructive theoretical account harmonizing to which the leader inspires others by their ain enthusiasm. committedness and the ability to pass on enthusiasm to people ( Adair. 1993 ) . Teams were developed by squad leaders so that a common undertaking could be accomplished. Adair ( 1993 ) identifies three different attacks to leading which can be called leading maps ( 1 ) carry throughing the undertaking. ( 2 ) keeping the squad and ( 3 ) meeting the person demands of the squad members. Adair believes that leaders are non born but emerge from state of affairss. The leader who emerges can follow any ‘style of leadership’ that warrants the state of affairs. Harmonizing to Adair a leader is one who has certain innate features which are required to execute his/her function. A leader harmonizing to him must hold personality and character. Adair quotes Harold Macmillian. â€Å"that a adult male who trusts cipher is disposed to be the sort of adult male that cipher trusts† . His leader must hold unity. a integrity and a moral sense. Harmonizing to Adair. the three maps of run intoing the demands of the undertaking. keeping the squad and run intoing the demands of single squad members must be kept in balance and none of them should be neglected. The squad leader countries of duty must include qualities and competences such as ( a ) to act with the highest degree of genuineness and unity by constructing a trusting relationship with all squad members ; ( B ) to be committed to the full to the development of the squad ; ( degree Celsius ) to be unfastened and communicate. but must pattern good hearing accomplishments ; ( vitamin D ) be willing to portion perceptual experiences. premises and positions openly with squad members ; and ( vitamin E ) to let squad members to work independently but in a self-organised mode. Team leaders must take clip required to make the work and support team’s attempts and besides reflect on its actions. They must keep and pattern answerability and at the same clip hold a good working relationship with the squad members. They should ever be ready to supervise and measure how the squad maps. They should clearly province the intent of work without being equivocal or complex. They must seek to experiment and portion experiences without incrimination. They should besides supply coaching and mentoring support to the squad ( Barry Stevenson. 2004 ) . The organisational construction of McDonald’s Corporation is centralised but that of its retail mercantile establishments is different. In McDonald’s outlets the employees work as a squad to guarantee that customers’ demands are taken attention of in a short period of clip. Besides the director the remainder are all attenders who take orders and deliver every bit fast as they can. There is division of labor among members of the administration. and the co-ordination of their activities are directed towards the ends and aims of the administration. Structure is the form of relationships among places in the administration and among members of the administration. Structure makes possible the application of the procedure of direction and creates a model of order and bid through which the activities of the administration can be planned. organised. directed and controlled. Structure defines undertakings and duties. work functions and relationships. and channels of communicating ( Mullins and Laurie. J. 2008 ) . At McDonald’s the span of control of the director is narrow. The span of control refers to the figure of subsidiaries working under the supervisor. So if there are five subsidiaries working under the supervisor or director. the span of control is five. If the span of control is narrow there are certain advantages ( Jenkins and Tessa. 2000 ) . One of the virtues is that there is tight control over subsidiaries and the director is able to closely oversee the day-to-day operations ensuing in better co-ordination. Directors have clip to believe and program and they are non burdened with excessively many jobs. A narrow span of control reduces deputation and directors are able to make more work. On the contrary. a level administration implies a broad span of control. Theorists are of the sentiment that tall administration constructions are inefficient. despite the advantage of a narrow span of control ( Robbins. Stephen P. 2007 ) . One can larn to utilize leading attacks to develop high-performing squads and persons at McDonalds. Team leaders were cognizant of the importance of squad edifice and used suited tools and techniques to assist squads make their full potency. McDonalds Crew Members are responsible for client service. nutrient readying and cleanliness and hygiene. Crew members will be asked to work in any of these countries depending on the individual’s penchants. I worked as a Customer Service Crew member and my occupation entailed taking orders and presenting repasts to clients at the counter. I learnt to be gracious and polite as I was responsible for keeping high degrees of client satisfaction. The duty of the Food Preparation Crew Members was to fix and cook McDonald’s bill of fare. The squads are self managed and all squad or crew member works with squad spirit. There is a sense of regard for each other. However it can be said that most crew members do non understand the administration scheme as they do non hold entree to this information. The communicating between crew members is informal which enables every person to keep good harmoniousness within retail mercantile establishments. The crew members at McDonald’s are committed because their demands are met by the squad leading. The leading has developed an ideal and committed squad which can be easy motivated. A committed and motivated squad is ever successful. Larson and LaFasto ( 1989 ) studied to understand the features of successful squads and found that all the extremely effectual squads ever had the features such as a clear. promoting end. a result-driven construction. competent squad members. incorporate committedness. a collaborative clime. criterions of excellence external support and acknowledgment every bit good as principled leading ( Larson and LaFasto. 1989 ) . From this happening it is apparent that effectual teamwork has a strong relationship with motive. Harmonizing to Maslow’s theory the hierarchy of human demands are classified into five degrees. This theory advocates that the higher degree demands of an person will go motivative factors merely when the lower degree 1s are satisfied. The five degrees get downing from the lowest hierarchy to the highest degree. are: Physiological – At McDonald’s the actuating factors of the crew members are salary. over clip. day-to-day lunch/meal and transit installations. Safety – The following of import factor is safety which includes elements such as occupation security. medical insurance and ill leave. Social – There is really good interaction among crew members and clients. This has resulted in first-class teamwork. Self-esteem – Crew members are motivated as the squad leader/manager has full assurance in their abilities. They have repute because of the McDonald’s trade name equity. They are recognised and appreciated by fellow co-workers. subsidiaries. and supervisors. Self-actualization – The crew member reach their full potency when all his demands are taken attention off ( Maslow. 1987 ) . The disadvantage that I observed was that subsidiaries are unable to do any determination. They have to ever obey and listen to the orders of the director. However the crew members ( team members ) had flexible agendas. There were team members from assorted parts of the universe working together. They had different backgrounds and different involvements and all worked together to do an ideal work force. In fact there was diverseness. I would wish to now give a elaborate history of my observations on leading manners and its impact on teamwork in McDonald’s eating houses. The leading manner practised in McDonald’s eating houses is bossy and hence crew members are non involved in any determination devising. It is besides a fact that suggestions from crew members are non welcomed as most of them are new. Crew members are immature and work in these eating houses during summer holidaies and hence can non offer thoughts to the leader. Crew members are immature and hence motivated if they are paid rewards on clip and given excess benefits such as tiffin and transit. This motivates the crew to work in malice of the bossy leading. Autocratic manner of leading doesn’t fulfil the ego regard demands reflected in Maslow’s hierarchy. However at McDonald’s crew members get self regard and besides respect each other. McDonald’s will non follow another manner of leading as the direction fears that a persuasive or democratic manner will non present the goods. viz. . presenting quality nutrient on clip to its clients. I would wish to compare persuasive and democratic manners of leading with that of bossy leading before geting at a decision: which one of the three manners will ideally accommodate McDonald’s and at the same clip hold an impact on squad work. Persuasion is one of the necessities of all leaders by which act they can travel people toward a new state of affairs. Persuasion does non include rational statements. A leader can utilize persuasion as a tactic to derive the support of diverse groups of people utilizing basic human emotions. It is normal that persuasive schemes may arouse squad members and some of them may oppose thoughts or suggestions. The democratic leading manner or participative manner encourages employees to be a portion of the determination doing leting more engagement of squads in the determination devising procedure.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Nun by Denis Diderot essays

The Nun by Denis Diderot essays The Nun was written by Denis Diderot, a Frenchman who was editor for the Encyclopedie and a key figure throughout the Enlightenment period. The Nun is a fictious collection of memoirs by Suzanne Simonin, a young French girl forced into becoming a nun by her parents, specifically her mother. Her memoirs detail the struggles she has with being pushed into the religious life, and the torture she goes through as she tries to escape a life of God. It is a wonderful book showing the struggles of a young woman as she tries to gain her freedom. Diderot not only shows his distaste for the Church Hierarchy, but also the notion of the institution being involved with religion, and human rights and freedoms being taken away from those involved with the church. Diderot shows that convents are not quite, what the public perceives them to be. He shows them as a monarchy led by a supreme ruler (mother superior) and if a nun does not obey, she will be subject to treatment similar to a prisoner of war. When I got back to my cell I felt terrible pains in my feet, I looked down and saw that they were covered in blood from cuts made by bits of glass they had spitefully thrown in my path (110). Suzanne, as much as she despises the ways of the convent, is in actuality a faithful Catholic. She prays often to God and carries out her duties in accordance with the rules of the convent. Suzanne's problems, and also Diderot's problem, is not with the Catholic religion at all, but rather with the hierarchy and the rigid laws created by people, which force others into roles they do want to be in. People perceive convents as places of worship full of saintly figures obeying Gods wishes; Diderot attacks these institutions though and portrays them as vicious p laces that force their will upon young nuns/monks. Although Sister Suzanne is a strong believer in Catholicism and very devoted to God, she is not someone that wants to live her life as a nun. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

proposal snapper season Essays

proposal snapper season Essays proposal: snapper season Essays Snapper Season Proposal Today in the gulf coast many problems have arose with the shortening of fishing seasons for commercial fish such as the red snapper. These snapper have faced fisherman off the gulf coast with problems of overpopulation on artificial reefs and oilrigs off the coast of Alabama. Loss of jobs in the commercial fishing business has arose, 1600 jobs have been lost on Alabama’s gulf coast due to these seasons. Economically 2 billion dollars lost annually on gulf coast fishing trips for snapper. Gulf coast fishermen need the longer seasons to be able to continue the gulf coast commercial fishing industry. By making the 30 to 40 day season into a much longer 5 to 6 month season which will allow fisherman to jump revenues back to what they were making in the early 2000s. Snapper seasons in the us have been cut 90 percent since 1997 which is a huge portion of the seasons gone making it much harder for boats to make money fishing in the gulf coast. By loosing the commercial fishing vessels local businesses such as restaurants and hotels will be affected also due to lack of a fishing season. Total populations of the snapper have risen exponentially in the past decade due to the fishing seasons loss of time. There are 3.5 times more snapper in Alabama’s artificial reef zone than in the whole Gulf of Mexico at this time. In 2006 the revenue of snapper fishing on the gulf coast was near 630 million in just 3 years the revenue had dropped 24 percent due to the lack of the longer seasons that were present in the past. For example a hunter in Florida or Alabama can harvest more deer in a season than they can harvest red snapper in a season. Today red snapper are a nuisance to fishermen due to the overpopulation of them, being the entire fisherman†™s catch on the reefs but they are not able to keep these fish due to the season. Red snapper championship was the largest bottom fishing tournament in the world held out of Orange Beach, Alabama this one tournament would on average bring in 6 to 8 million dollars for one single marina with charter boats. These revenues are only for the boats themselves and not the other areas of business around the marinas that also benefit from the tournament such as hotels, bait and tackle shops, or even local shops business due increase in number of tourists. This was all lost though due to the shortening of the snapper season it is now impossible to hold this tournament in this short season of 30 to 40 days. Solutions to this situation are very simple and cost effective. Solutions would not cost any large amounts of money but would be able to pay the commercial fishing and tourism industry back with a lot larger revenue than seen before with the short season that is being held today. One of the most sought after solutions that there is at the moment is the opening of the traditional season that is 6 months long cutting into the spring and fall seasons that are usually very slow for the charter industries due to the lack of a snapper season. By hosting longer snapper seasons people are very worried about the depletion of the population of the red snapper but studies have shown that with what the red snapper population is at now will not be affected by the fishing in a 6-month season due to the reproduction rates that red snapper have

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Two Music Reviews of Sorry For Party Rocking by LMFAO Essay

Two Music Reviews of Sorry For Party Rocking by LMFAO - Essay Example This small assessment essay describes the critical comparison of two music reviews, that were written by two popular music review sites, and on the album ‘Sorry For Party Rocking‘ by LMFAO. When you critically evaluate or compare both the reviews on the same album, you can easily come out with a conclusion each reviewer took different kinds of aesthetics to judge the album. The review written by John Bush on considers the amount of humor and energy that keep listeners stick to the album. This is what we call Aesthetic Contemplation. Listeners don’t need to understand the track to enjoy the song. This is the reason why John Bush rated the album as Good. The review written by Caryn Ganz on looks into rhythms, synths and beats. Caryn just focused on trying to understand the meaning of the song by analyzing the rhythms, beats and synths. This is what theoretical contemplation is. The researcher then compares two reviews and concluds that both the reviews are assessed by using Seel’s three dimensional aesthetic experience of popular music. As per aesthetic contemplation, you immerse yourself into the music by forgetting everything for a short while. Aesthetic Correspondence lets you to shape our surroundings and Aesthetic Imagination helps you stimulate the imagination to get into the emotional characterization and we can easily come to a conclusion John Bush focused more on aesthetic criteria and Caryn reviewed based on rhythms and beats.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Choose a topic of interest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Choose a topic of interest - Essay Example The question that this situation raises is the likely impact that this new revolution will most likely have on the society (Thompson, 92). This essay will argue that when looking at the aspect of political awareness, social media has had a rather positive effect, while when looking at personal relationships; the negative effects outweigh the benefits of social media. Social network is nothing new in the society per se. A social network actually refers to any structure that consists of several individuals or organizations that are linked to each other through some type of independency, such as to include financial exchange, common interest and friendship among others. The only new aspect of social networking is the web-based social networking that enables these social structures to progress in more intricate and widespread ways. Social media revolves back to the 1950s with the invention of the BBS or as it was commonly referred to electronic â€Å"Bulletin Board System†. Nevertheless, it became a prevalent marvel in the 2000s when users could finally create their own online profiles, share a number of their interests online and any other activities that interests them or may likely interest people within their network. Current, the most popular social media networks include Twitter, My Space and Facebook, with Facebook arguably being the m ost successful among them with over 800 million registered users (Brown, 15). The reason as to why most people choose to join the social media varies from one individual to the other. Some people join social networks to keep in touch with their old friends as well as make some new ones, while others join to organize social activities or simply flirt with other people. The pragmatic reasons for people join vary heavily. However, according to research there is a deeper psychological explanation as to why people join social media groups such as a need to belong and as a way of projecting ones identity. For

Cost method Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cost method - Research Paper Example It is crucial for managers to comprehend the merits and demerits of the two systems to satisfy the needs of their business operations. The budget presented entails schedules that raise various concerns leading to the recommendation that the company should switch to the activity-based costing system of accounting. The first concern is the quarterly budget that in my opinion requires further subdivision to generate quarters. Mainly, cycling takes place in temperate weather conditions. Buying materials for bicycle production for the start of sales hikes demand therefore, requires the producer to incur a quarter before the demand. Another concern regards accounts that remain uncollectable. The master budget for the company is not specific it its cash budget line. It closely refers to the uncollectable receivables. Variable factors in this context emanate from economic features among them limited sponsorship and thus resulting in wrong accounts (Gazely & Lambert, 2006). From the budget, the company is setting aside a budget for 140 bikes inclusive of labour costs. It is appropriate to cut down on the level of production of extra parts in the inventory. The viability of any business can be measured by how the company effectively utilizes its resources while plummeting unnecessary costs hence Competition Bikes Inc. should strive to avert extra discretionary costs. The method of distributing manufacturing overhead by activity-based costing (ABC) to products is efficient compared to the traditional method of costing. Precisely, activity-based costing assigns the right percentage of resources to particular products. While monitoring and allocating organizational costs to products and objects, activity-based costing remains a more sophisticated and logical method as opposed to the traditional costing system (Bragg, 2001). It is possible to distribute

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Microsoft Company Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Microsoft Company Analysis - Essay Example A lot of criticism has been raised about the practices of the management but the company still continues to experience rapid growth. Some of the biggest issues have been Labor Practices, Licensing Agreements, Acquisitions and Court Litigations (Salop & Romaine, 1999). Microsoft violated anti-trust laws and was charged with illegal conduct. Despite the court ruling, economic and legal justifications continue to be a subject of debate amongst the different entities from both sides. Today, companies are reviewed and judged not only on their economic performance, but also how well they are maintaining ethical standards. The management at Microsoft has been focused on not only adapting to the changing environment but maintaining a high level of ethical conduct while doing so. Studying the Microsoft case is important for two reasons, firstly the outcomes of this case may have severe consequences on the future of this industry. The laws and policies that come out of this case will not only influence how Microsoft works but also other computer hardware/software manufacturers like IBM and Apple. Secondly, as a legal case, it determines the standards of monopolization for all future generations. Technological Changes The biggest challenge recent technological change has been the increase in the use of mobile devices. In April 2011, Microsoft, once the dominant technology company, saw revenue from its core operating system software slip in the first three months of 2011 as consumers begin to shift to buying tablet computers that do not run on Microsoft software. Microsoft has been severely lagging behind in this industry with Windows Mobile not being used by many of the handheld PDAs or cell phones (Markus & Robey). With Apple and Google growing rapidly with their own respective systems, Microsoft needed to bounce back which it did with a strategic collaboration with Nokia which means that all new Nokia handsets will be supplied with support for Windows Media Audio and Wi ndows Media DRM 10 (Digital Rights Management). This will enable users of the new mobile music service from Nokia and to play songs on Windows XP. Nokia has moved away from RealPlayer that brings together the leading companies (Nokia and Microsoft) in the market. This is Microsoft’s door to a large part of the mobile phone market, a region that was not really successful the last two years. Even before this deal was made speculation had started whether Nokia was being purchased by Microsoft simply because of the fact that many did not see Microsoft using a collaborative strategy as it has never done in the past. But this step is extremely positive because the deal made between the two giants ensures constant development in the future, and Microsoft will remain competitive in the mobile OS industry. One of the latest events that Microsoft has entered into is by acquiring Skype, a kind of software that can be used to make telephone calls using the internet. This actually has bee n viewed as a mixed strategy by analysts. While many say that it is a good expansion for the company, others argue that it is once again the Microsoft way of adapting to challenges, i.e. they lack the ingenuity to come up with original products/services, and chose to acquire smaller firms without actually thinking about whether they fit with the company’s strategy. This is however a step by Microsoft to diversify somewhat into the mobility and networking sector, where it

Public Health Nursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Public Health Nursing - Assignment Example The important health status indicators include infant mortality rate, life expectancy at birth, maternal mortality ratio, neonatal mortality rate, under five mortality rate (child mortality rate). Good health indicator should show positive outcomes based on quantity and quality of people’s health status. Life expectancy at birth is the most vital health status indicator of any country which directly focuses on economic condition of the country. Life expectancy at birth refers to the mean number of years that a newborn baby can expect to live, if current mortality conditions are prevailed throughout the person’s life. This indicator focuses on age-specific probability of death of an individual by considering the present rate of death for people of varying ages in a country. Health status of a country is positively influenced by increase in life expectancy at birth. In economically sound countries like United States, life expectancy at birth is around 77 years. The countries having medium financial status like Jordan, life expectancy at birth is around 72 years. While in poor countries like Mali, life expectancy at birth is around 48 years. Thus, financial status of the country is directly proportional to the life expectancy at birth of that country. To address the major health concerns in poor countries various prevalent health problems should be attended to enhance the life expectancy at birth of the specific country. Thus, based on need of the country adequate and equal access to health care services could be delivered to enhance the life expectancy at birth. The enhanced life expectancy at birth could definitely achieve physical, mental and social well-being of the poor income country (Skolnik,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Microsoft Company Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Microsoft Company Analysis - Essay Example A lot of criticism has been raised about the practices of the management but the company still continues to experience rapid growth. Some of the biggest issues have been Labor Practices, Licensing Agreements, Acquisitions and Court Litigations (Salop & Romaine, 1999). Microsoft violated anti-trust laws and was charged with illegal conduct. Despite the court ruling, economic and legal justifications continue to be a subject of debate amongst the different entities from both sides. Today, companies are reviewed and judged not only on their economic performance, but also how well they are maintaining ethical standards. The management at Microsoft has been focused on not only adapting to the changing environment but maintaining a high level of ethical conduct while doing so. Studying the Microsoft case is important for two reasons, firstly the outcomes of this case may have severe consequences on the future of this industry. The laws and policies that come out of this case will not only influence how Microsoft works but also other computer hardware/software manufacturers like IBM and Apple. Secondly, as a legal case, it determines the standards of monopolization for all future generations. Technological Changes The biggest challenge recent technological change has been the increase in the use of mobile devices. In April 2011, Microsoft, once the dominant technology company, saw revenue from its core operating system software slip in the first three months of 2011 as consumers begin to shift to buying tablet computers that do not run on Microsoft software. Microsoft has been severely lagging behind in this industry with Windows Mobile not being used by many of the handheld PDAs or cell phones (Markus & Robey). With Apple and Google growing rapidly with their own respective systems, Microsoft needed to bounce back which it did with a strategic collaboration with Nokia which means that all new Nokia handsets will be supplied with support for Windows Media Audio and Wi ndows Media DRM 10 (Digital Rights Management). This will enable users of the new mobile music service from Nokia and to play songs on Windows XP. Nokia has moved away from RealPlayer that brings together the leading companies (Nokia and Microsoft) in the market. This is Microsoft’s door to a large part of the mobile phone market, a region that was not really successful the last two years. Even before this deal was made speculation had started whether Nokia was being purchased by Microsoft simply because of the fact that many did not see Microsoft using a collaborative strategy as it has never done in the past. But this step is extremely positive because the deal made between the two giants ensures constant development in the future, and Microsoft will remain competitive in the mobile OS industry. One of the latest events that Microsoft has entered into is by acquiring Skype, a kind of software that can be used to make telephone calls using the internet. This actually has bee n viewed as a mixed strategy by analysts. While many say that it is a good expansion for the company, others argue that it is once again the Microsoft way of adapting to challenges, i.e. they lack the ingenuity to come up with original products/services, and chose to acquire smaller firms without actually thinking about whether they fit with the company’s strategy. This is however a step by Microsoft to diversify somewhat into the mobility and networking sector, where it

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hagar in The Stone Angel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hagar in The Stone Angel - Essay Example On various occasions the hero of a tragedy is given opportunities to overcome his mistakes. Many modern writers have extended the category of a tragic hero and have included a common man who is equally capable of becoming a tragic hero. Hagar, in The Stone Angel is one such example. Hagar is a common woman with self-made dignity. She has a misstep, a tragic flaw, which is her unconquerable pride. As she says â€Å"Pride was my wilderness and the demon that led me there was fear... [I was] never free, for I carried my chains within me, and they spread out from me and shackled all I touched.† Her pride became the cause of her failed relationships with her father, brothers and sons. On various occasions Lawrence makes us understand her proud nature. She would not pretend to be her mother to console her dying brother. The incident ruined her relationship with her brother Matt. Her proud nature became the cause of her poor relationship with her husband. She felt too proud to show her emotions towards her husband. She refused to let John and Arlene stay in her house for the night. She refused to cry at the death of Arlene. â€Å"I shoved her [matrons] arms away.  Ã‚  I straightened my spine... I wouldnt cry in front of strangers, whatever it cost me†. The realization, that her pride came in the way of her son’s happiness, came to her very late. Hagar refused to adjust herself to the circumstances. She would not shift to the nursing home and instead told Doris and Marvin to move out of the house. Her stubborn nature came in the way of her happiness. It led her to her destruction. The tragedy of Hagar is that she refuses to change. Although Hagar and King Lear appear similar in their journey to self-discovery, a major difference becomes evident in the after effects of their epiphanies. Lear is redeemed after his epiphany and pushes away his pride. He reconciles with his daughter and is sent to jail, which does not matter

Antimicrobial Effects of Cilantro Essay Example for Free

Antimicrobial Effects of Cilantro Essay A drop of cilantro juice and water in varying concentrations (1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:80) was added to a nutrient agar plate inoculated with S. epidermis and a nutrient agar plate inoculated with E. coli. The plates were incubated for 48 hours and then observed for a zone of clearing where the cilantro juice drop was placed. Cilantro was found to not display antimicrobial activity against either bacterium in the experiment in any of the different dilutions. These results could have to do with the possible contamination of cilantro or the specific bacteria we chose to target. Additional studies of cilantro should be conducted on different types of bacteria in order to gain a better understanding of how the herb works as an antimicrobial. Introduction Herbs and spices have been used for many years for their health benefits and antimicrobial properties (Lai amp; Roy, 2004). Cilantro, an herb found in many ethnic food dishes, has been shown to have an antibacterial effect on Salmonella choleraesuis due to the compound dodecanal found in the leaves. Dodecanal was found to be twice as potent as the antibiotic gentamicin that is commonly prescribed for Salmonella infections (Kubo, Fujita, Kubo, Nihei, amp; Ogura, 2004). The antimicrobial properties of cilantro have also been demonstrated against the bacteria’s Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli (Marsh amp; Arriola, 2009). We decided to conduct our own experiment to see if cilantro had any antimicrobial effect on the bacteria’s Staphylococcus epidermis and Escherichia coli. Experiments about the antimicrobial properties of herbs re interesting because their results can affect the way people choose to eat. For example, if a certain herb is found to delay food spoilage then perhaps people will choose to include it more often in their cuisines. Or, if a study finds that an herb has an antibacterial effect on an organism commonly found on produce, perhaps a fruit and vegetable wash could be produced that contains the herb in order to help prevent inf ection. We chose both a gram positive bacterium (S. epidermis) and a gram negative bacterium (E. oli) to see if a bacterial outer membrane would inhibit any antibacterial effect of cilantro. Gram negative bacteria have an outer membrane and gram positive bacteria do not (Tortura, Funke, amp; Case, 2010). We predicted that cilantro would have an antimicrobial effect on S. epidermis but not on E. coli. We inoculated two nutrient agar plates, covering each with one of the bacteria’s, and divided each plate into quarters. We then placed one drop of cilantro juice mixed with water in each of the four sections in different concentrations. This allowed us to see if a minimum concentration of cilantro was needed to produce an antimicrobial effect. We then incubated the plates at 37 degrees Celsius to allow the bacteria to grow and evaluated the plates after 48 hours. We expected to see a clearing of bacteria in at least one of the quadrants of the plate containing S. epidermis and did not expect to see any clearing of bacteria on the E. coli plate. Methods 1. Label one nutrient agar plate S. epidermis and one nutrient agar plate E. coli and divide each plate into quarters. Label each quarter with the different dilutions : 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, and 1:80. 2. Inoculate and label one water blank with S. epidermis and one water blank with E. coli. 3. Create a lawn plate of S. epidermis by dipping the inoculating loop into the water/S. epidermis tube and streaking the loop across the nutrient agar plate labeled S. epidermis. The entire surface of the plate should be inoculated with bacteria by zigzagging the loop across the plate after every quarter turn. After the initial zigzag, the plate should be turned three more times for streaking to be performed. Repeat this process by making a lawn plate of E. coli. 4. Put nine drops of sterile water into one of the depressions of the sterile spot plate using a sterile Pasteur pipette and a third unused sterile water blank. Put five drops of sterile water into three more depressions of the sterile spot plate. 5. Ground cilantro using a mixer or juicer and add the last sterile water blank to the cilantro in order to obtain a drop of cilantro juice. 6. Put the cilantro juice drop into the first depression of the sterile spot plate that already has the nine drops of water in it using a sterile eye dropper. This creates a dilution of cilantro of 1:10 (1 drop cilantro juice out of a total of 10 parts/drops). 7. With the same sterile Pasteur pipet used to add water to the sterile spot plate, mix the cilantro juice and water contained in the first depression of the sterile spot plate. Put one drop of the first depression mixture into the section of the S. epidermis nutrient agar plate labeled 1:10. Repeat this step for the E. coli nutrient agar plate. 8. Using the same first Pasteur pipet, put five drops of the first depression mixture into the second depression of the sterile spot plate. Take a new, second sterile pipet and mix the cilantro juice and water contained in the second depression of the sterile spot plate. Put one drop of the second depression mixture into the section of the S. epidermis nutrient agar plate labeled 1:20. Repeat this step for the E. coli nutrient agar plate. 9. Using the same second Pasteur pipet, put five drops of the second depression mixture into the third depression of the sterile spot plate. Take a new, third sterile pipet and mix the cilantro juice and water contained in the third depression of the sterile spot plate. Put one drop of the third depression mixture into the section of the S. epidermis nutrient agar plate labeled 1:40. Repeat this step for the E. coli nutrient agar plate. 10. Using the same third Pasteur pipet, put five drops of the third depression mixture into the fourth depression of the sterile spot plate. Take a new, fourth sterile pipet and mix the cilantro juice and water contained in the fourth depression of the sterile spot plate. Put one drop of the fourth depression mixture into the section of the S. epidermis nutrient agar plate labeled 1:80. Repeat this step for the E. coli nutrient agar plate. 11. Incubate both nutrient agar plates at thirty seven degrees Celsius for at least forty eight hours. Results Cilantro did not display antimicrobial activity against S. epidermis and E. coli in our experiment. A clear zone where the cilantro juice drop was placed would be indicative of cilantro acting as an antibiotic because bacteria would be cleared from the area. Both the S. epidermis and E. coli lawn plates showed no clearing in any of the four dilution sections (1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:80) where a drop of cilantro juice was placed. Interestingly, there was additional microbial growth where the cilantro juice drop was placed.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Evolution Of Coffee Culture In United States

Evolution Of Coffee Culture In United States Introduction O Coffee! Thou dost dispel all care, thou are the object of desire to the scholar. This is the beverage of the friends of God. In Praise of Coffee, Arabic Poem (1511). Everyone knows what a coffee is. Especially since coffee became a essential drink in everyday for most of the people in the world. Nowadays when we walk down any street, we see at least two or more coffee shops with full of people drinking coffee. Since I was very little, I always wondered, how coffee made and how it become the coffee business became one of the most valuable commodity industry in the world. When you search it, you find that this commodity we call coffee is a basicly a berry containing seeds. Yet coffee is the second most valuable exported legal commodity on earth (after oil of course), providing worlds most widely taken psychoactive drug. Coffee provides a livelihood for over twenty million humans beings around the world. It is an incredibly labor-intensive crop, with all but very small percentage requiring the individual human hand. The irony of the coffee industry is that the vast majority of those who perfom repetitive tasks work in the most beautiful places on earth, with tropical volcanic peaks as backdrop in a climate thtat have a temperature of 27  °C but these laborers earn an evarage of 3 dollars a day. The coffee they prepare travels halfway around the world and lands on breakfast tables, officer and cafes of the England, Germany, United States and and other developed countries, where these cosmopolitan consumers pay half a days Third World countries wages for a good cup of coffee. People who make money from coffee doesnt stop in just producing. There are also the exporters, importarts, amd roasters. There are the expert slurping, savoring, and spitting coffee. There are the retailers, the vending machine suppliers, the marketers, the advertising copyrighters, the consultants. This is why it is the second most valuable commodity on earth because they are many opportunities to earn money just from a sack of coffee beans. Beginning as a medicinal drink for the elite group of people, coffee became the favored modern stimulant of worker during their break, the gossip starter in kitchens. Coffeehouses have provided places to plan revolutions, write poetry, do business and meet friends. For example United Statess first black presidents inaugural speech was written by a young man, age 27, in a Starbucks. Without noticing, he wrote a historical speech, which will probably be analysed in future,was written in a common coffeehouse. Around the world we are currently witbessing a coffee revival as miniroasters revive the art of coffee blending and customers rediscover the josy of fresh-roasted, fresh brewed coffee made from the best beans in the world. Coffee has assumed a social meaning that goes far beyond the simple black brew in a cup. The worldwide coffee culture is more than a culture-it is psychological addiction. There are newsgroup on the subject, along with countless number of sites on World Wide Web, and Starbucks outles populate every street corner, fighting for space with other coffeehouses and chains. And after all is said and done, its just a bag of berry from an Ethiopian shrub. This essay is about the coffee culture and its effect in United States. Coffee is a term used to describe a social atmosphere that depends heavily upon coffee shops, espressoin particular, to act as a social lubricant. It is a common tradition in American culture to spend their time in coffeeshops. I will explain the impacts of coffee and its culture in American people and media. History of Coffee Coffee makes us severe, and grave and philosophical Jonathan Swift, 1722 Possibly the cradle of mankind, now called Ethiopia, is the birthplace of coffee. Situated at the conjunction of the African and Arab worlds known as the Horn of Africa, the mountainous country has a biblical quality. There are lots of story of how coffee discovered with different perspectives thus we do not know exactly when or by whom coffee discovered. Between the various Ethiopian and Arab legends, the most appealing story involves dancing goats. A goatherd named Kaldi loved following the wandering paths made by his goats as they combed the mountainsides for food. His job didnt require him to do much, so he was free to make up songs and to play his pipe. In the late afternoon, when he blew a special, piercing note, his goats scampered from their browsing in the forest to follow him back home. One afternoon, however, the goats did not come. Kaldi blew his pipe again. Still no goats. Puzzled, the boy climbed higher, listening for them. Finally he heard bleating in the distance. Running around the corner of a narrow trail, Kaldi suddenly came upons the goats. Under the thich rain forest canopy, which allowed the sun to sift through in suddent bright splotches, the goats were running about, butting one another, dancing on their hind legs, and bleating excitedly. As he watched, one goat after another chewed doff the glossy green leaves and red berries of a tree he had never seen before. The goats refured to come home with hià ¶ until hours later. The next day, they ran directly back to the same grove and repeated the performance. This time Kaldi decided it was safe to him to join them. First, he chewed on a few leaves. They tasted bitter. As he masticated them, however, he experienced a slow tingle, mocing from his tongue down into his gut, expanding to his entire body. Next he tried the berries. The fruit was midly sweet, and the seed that popped out were covered with a thich, tasty mucilage. Finally, he chewed the seeds themselves. Soon, according to legend, Kaldi was dancing and playing with his goats. He felt that he would never be tired or grouchy again. Kaldi told his father about the magical tree, the word spread, and soon coffee became an integral part of Ethiopian culture. By the time Rhazes, an Arabian physican, first mentioned coffee in print in the tenth century, it probably had been deliberately cultivated for hundred of years. It is likely that, as in the legend, the beans and leaves of bunn, as coffee was called, at first were simply chewed, but the inventive Ethiopians quickly graduated to more palatable ways of getting their caffeine fix. Probably in the sixteenth century, someone roasted the beans, ground them and made a infusion. Coffee as we know it came into being. Once the Ethiopians discovered coffee it was only a matter of time until the drink spead through trade with the Arabs across the narrow band of Red sea. The Arabs took to the stimulating drink. They began culvivating the trees, complete wit irrigation ditches calling it qahwa, an Arab word for wine-from which the name coffee derives. At first the Arab monks adopted coffee as a drink that would allow them to stay awake for midnight prayers more easily.While coffee was considered a medicine or religious aid, it soon enough slipped into everyday use. As the drink gained popularity throughout the sixteenth century, it also gained its reputation as a troublemaking social brew. Many rulers decided that people were having too much fun in coffeehouses. In the end rulers and religious leaders denounced coffee during this century. But these bans didnt took long. Coffee provided an intellectual stimulant, a pleasant way to feel increased energy without any apparent ill effect. Coffeehouses basicly allowed people to get together for conversation, entertainment, and business, inspiring agreements, poetry, and irrevenrence in equal measure. So important did the brew become in Turkey that a lack of sufficient coffee provided grounds for a woman to seek a divorce. The Ottoman Turks occupied Yemen in 1536, and soon afterward coffee bean became an important export throughout the Turkish Empire. Then through the Ottoman traders coffee beans came to Europe. At first Europeans didnt know what to make of the stange new brew. In 1610 travelling British poet Sir George Sandys noted that the Turks sat chatting most of the day over their coffee, which he described as blacke as soote, and tasting not much unlike it. Then I can briefly that coffee beans went through many places. Coffee went to France through the Turkish ambassador. Later on coffee came to Vienna through Turkish army while threatening to invade Europe. When Turkish troops failed in the siege of Vienna, Franz George Kolschitzky took all the coffee and opened the first Viennese cafe. After coffee became a famous drink in Europe, the North American colonists emulated the coffe boom of the mother country, with the first American house opening in Boston in 1689. Here, over many cups of coffee and other brews, John Adams, James Otis, and Paul Revere met to foment rebellion, prompting Daniel Webster to call it the headquarters of the Revolution. This is the first proof of that coffees effect to American Culture. Coffee in America We have joined in many a march in old Virginia, when the days were long and hot, and the power of the soldiers to endure the fatigue of the march and keeop their places in the ranks was greatly enhanced by an opportunity to brew a cup of coffee by the wayside Captian R.K. Beecham- Gettysburg: The Pivotal Battle of the Civil War The American thirst for coffee was slow to develop in a new country whose citizens preferred booze. Most colonial drinking was utilitarian, with high alcohol consumption a normal part of personal and community habits observe the author of Drinking in America. Still, coffee was popular enough to cause over a hundred Boston women to raid a food warehouse in 1777. Throughout the first half of the 1800s the American taste for coffee swelled, particularly after the war of 1812, which temporarily shut off access to tea just when all things French, including coffee drinking, were stylish. By that time Brazilian coffee was easy to get and cheaper in anyway. Perhaps price was counted even more than political ideology when Americans came to choose their favorite caffeinated beverage, coffee. Once introduced to the black brew, Native Americans adopted it as well. Indeed, the Indians attacked many wagon trains specifically to get coffee- along with sugar,tobacco, and whiskey. On the other hand, white traders took advantage of the Indians, trading one cup of coffee for a buffalo robe. Thus the coffee became a trade item between two races. American coffeehouses, which continued the British coffeehouse traditions as penny universities and enhanced their feared and celebrated status as seminaries of sedition. At first they were simply taverns serving ale, port and rum, as well as coffee. But soon these coffeehouses featured in American official civic life in ways that had been unknown even in England. The Green Dragon, a coffeehouse tavern and inn established in 1697, which Daniel Webster called the headquarters of the Revolution, was frequented in the next century by other rebels and remained open in Bostons business center for 135 years. Throughout this time, the Green Dragon, remained a center of activity, hosting from the first, Red-coated British soldiers, colonial governors, bewigged crown officers, earls and dukes, citizens of high estate, plotting revolutionist of lesser degree, conspirators in the Boston Tea party, patriots and generals of the Revolution. The Grand Lodge of Masons, under the leadership of the fi rst grand master of Bostons first Masonic group, convened there as well. Today in the United States more than 80 percent of adults consume caffeine on a dailt basis. The average daily consumption among all adults is approximately 200 mg per day and among coffee consumers is approximately 280 mg. By appying the standards and definitions about caffeine, this would mean 75 million people fit the criteria for moderate caffeine dependence. How Coffee Evolved in America In many ways WWI marked the beginning of the modern world. It introduced the technological advanced weapons and the term shell shock but also accelerated a global outlook and increased international commerce. For coffee men, the war shifted the focus of Latin America to United States as its most reliable customer. While Euroe suffered through the war, U.S. roasters took full advantage of a favorable business situation created by the war. In the cofused wartime economy, the New York Coffee Exchange closed its doors for four months. In 1914 an editorial in a coffee trade journal called for American coffee men to act. Because the Europe were fighting for their home territories and independence, they were compelled to neglect established trade in South America. Moreover, coffee prices were bound to decline, since United Stattes now represented the only major market for the beans. The vending machine helped make the institutionalization of that most venerated American tradition, the coffee break. In fact the phrase was the invention of the Pan America Coffee Bureau in 1952. The bureau launched a radio, newspaper, and magazine campaigns with the theme, Give Yourself a Coffee Break- And Get What Coffee Gives to You. They used ads and fliers to encourage the spread of the coffee break beyond factories and offices. Hospitals started to use them. After Sunday worship services, people started to met for a coffee break with their pastors. The bureau also launched a Coffee Stop campaign on the roads to encourage motorists to pull over regularly for coffee as a safety measure. Role of Coffee in American Media Professor Prescott speaks of the influence of coffee as a beneficent exhilaration and as tending to increase the power of do muscular work as well as the power of concentration in mental effort In a sad word, and especially in a country like ours, recently and constitutionally deprived of wine the functions of coffee in bringing serene delight is an important one Boston Transcript -18 October 1923. While Brazil and other coffee growing countries vied to supply their share of caffeine to the the industrialized countries of the north, the jazzed-up North American entered a golden age of hustle in which business, advertising, and consumption defined a decade. Coffee emerged as a widely accepted drink, the scourge only of the most ardent health faddist, and it fueled the energetic decade of the twenties. Coffee consumption in fact did climb slowly through the 1920s. Even though the idea of coffeehouse was not expanded as rapidly as some anticipated, coffee cafes and lunch counters have supplanted hundreds of saloons. As Americans became more mobile with technological developments on expanding roadwats, they chose coffee as the drink for driving. At that time and still the truck stop means the coffee shop. Yet the most positive effect was by the first national adversiting campaign which was funded by the brazilian growers but executed by an American advertising firm. The campaign got under way in 1919 with spots in popular weekly magazines. Most of the ads were bland and predictable. Your Uncle Sam provided his boys with COFFEE. Coffee was the drink of intellectuals. All ended with the slogan, Coffee- the Essential drink. The national advertising campaign undoubtedly helped boost coffees image and sales. In the first few years of 1990s, the major roasters continued to battle one another without much to show for it, other than an innovative Tasters Choice campaign- and was even The commercials featured mini soap operas in which Tony, a soulful bachelor, meets By the mid-1990s it was clear to industry observers that major coffee roaters companies had lost their way, while small-scale coffees were booming. In 1995 Forbes summarized the fate of the big coffee merchants in a one-word healine: Oversleeping. The message the businesss magazine conveyed to Maxwell House, Folgers and Nestle: Wake up and smell the freshly ground coffee. Later on another company answered the call: Starbucks Starbucks Coffee Company According to legend, Merlin was born in the future and lived backward in time, moving toward the past. He must have often felt out of step with his contemporaries, filled as he was with unconventional notions of what might be. Im no sage, but sometimes I think I know how he must have felt. My vision for the future, my aspirations for what kind of company Starbucks should be, are so easily misunderstood Howard Schultz,1997

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Detrimental Effects of Soda :: Coke Pepsi

What is your favorite soda? Coke? Do you know what is in soda? Cutting down on soda can be the geginning of a healthy lifestyle. Studies show that soda, though it tastes good, has many negative effects that outweigh the positive effects. Soda, especially diet, is detrimental to the health of your body. My cousin’s teacher did an experiment with coke. She put a tooth in coke and left it for at least a week. The next time they checked the tooth had disintegrated. The coke had eaten away at the tooth. If this can happen to a tooth imagine what it does to your body. How healthful are these drinks, which provide a lot of sugars, calories and caffeine but no significant nutritional value? And what happens if you drink a lot of them at a very young age? Soda is a sweetened, carbonated, acidic, often caffeinated drink. Forty-five gallons of soda is consumed per person/per year by the average American. Even adults are just as vulnerable to tooth decay, from drinking excessive amounts of soda, even though they have good enamel and well calcified teeth. In America soda manufacturers are the biggest users of sugar. At least ten teaspoons are in each, 12 ounce, can which provides you with the maximum recommended intake of sugar a day. Sugar creates insulin which tells the body to store all carbohydrates as fat. Sugar in soda can cause heightened cholesterol levels, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, and premature aging. (Mercola) Sugar isn’t the only thing in soda that is bad for teeth, but the acids included in many soft drinks eat away enamel and make teeth more vulnerable. The pH, measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution, of regular and diet sodas ranges from 2.47-3.35, the lower the pH the more acidic it is. The pH in our mouth is normally about 6.2 to 7, slightly more acidic than water. A pH of 5.2 to 5.5 or below can dissolve the hard enamel of our teeth. Phosphoric acid is in all soda and interferes with the use of calcium which can lead to osteoporosis. Phosphoric acid also neutralizes hydrochloric acid and so digestion cannot properly take place. Aspartame is another ingredient in sodas, particularly Diet Soda. Aspartame is a carcinogen and becomes wood alcohol also known as methanol. In large amounts Aspartame can make someone who drinks diet soda, constantly, feel depressed, fatigued, dehydrated, and/or hungry.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Van Morrisons Brown Eyed Girl Song Essay -- Music Compare Contrast Es

Van Morrison's Brown Eyed Girl Song When we hear the song Brown-Eyed Girl, it is safe to assume the majority of us think of the Van Morrison version that was first introduced in his album Blowin’ Your Mind, released in 1967. Since that time the song’s legend and popularity have grown to unprecedented heights. Many artists have redone the song, some with a similar music style to Morrison (like Jimmy Buffet), and others of a completely different genre like the punk rock band Green Day. In my essay I will argue that the stylistic differences between the two songs are not a barrier. Rather, in combination with the similarities associating with cover songs, they form a bridge between two genres. In this case, it is achieved by expanding people’s tastes that are used to soft rock, to punk rock, and visa versa. By illustrating the similarities and differences between the two works, I will show how the appeal of the two songs is possible between two diverse listening groups. Morrison has been a very prolific and popular artist ever since the late 1960’s. He has released nearly one album per year since his first solo recording, following the breakup of Them. Morrison has recorded with a number of labels, which has allowed his albums to fall primarily into two time periods. For the early part of Morrison’s career, his songs were less developed due to his inexperience and lack of individualism. During the later part, he gained increasing control over his music to the point where he essentially became his own label. Morrison’s version of Brown-Eyed Girl was produced during this time of independence. The inspiration for the song came from one of Morrison’s friends, who was the husband of the famous Brown-Eyed Girl. She w... ...: I would like to acknowledge those who where instrumental in helping me put this paper together. A special thanks goes out to my classmates and even more specifically my group members Benjamin Mickle, Andrew Wallace, and Jeffrey Sheely. From their advice in varying my sentence structure, to the pushing of more description, I was able to enhance my paper. Thank you all. End Note: 1. The Van Morrison Website. Sept. 15, 2002. Sources: Engel, Edo. Green Day Home Page. Sept. 14, 2002. Gray, Brian. WWW.GREENDAY.NET. Sept. 15, 2002. Hayward, Michael. The Van Morrison Website. Sept. 15, 2002. Van Morrison Praise Page. Sept. 14, 2002.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Understanding Native American History

American history is filled with glorious accomplishments that Americans love to point out when saying how great a country this is. Certainly, America is a great country, and as countries go, it has probably done enough now to forever remain as one of the great countries ever to exist on the planet. Perhaps it will someday go down in history beside Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and other great civilizations of the past that have made their mark on human history, but along with its greatness, America has enough faults and shame to give pause for thought. In a country of immigrants, America has historically mistreated its immigrants, especially the Chinese, the Japanese and today the Chicanos. Despite their efforts to get away from religious persecution, the pilgrims were not so eager to avoid religiously persecuting others and forcing their religion upon everyone. Everyone is keenly aware of how America enslaved the blacks and then held them down as second class citizens or less after slavery was more or less begrudgingly abolished. Black Americans were not properly treated in American until the 1970s and even today blacks suffer from the vestiges of past slavery. Yet, with all of the two-sided treatment and mistreatment of so many cultures that have today merged within the amalgamated American culture, with all of the irony and tragedy of those mergers, perhaps none is any more tragic than that of the American Indian.   With all the Native Americans who lived in this country when Europeans arrived, today there are only an estimated 2.75 million remaining.   They are probably the only ethnic group whose numbers in America have fallen since the arrival of Europeans. While the number of Native Americans in the country when Europeans arrived is speculative, it is estimated that there were between 60 and 100 million Natives here when Europeans arrived and that by 1650, the Native population had already decreased by 90 percent due largely to the introduction of European diseases into the Native populations. (MacCleery, 2004) While Black Americans have more or less assimilated into American society despite the mistreatment they suffered, nothing could be further from the truth for Native Americans.   Blacks can be found in large numbers all over the country with few exceptions other than the northwest where there are still areas where people have never seen blacks or rarely do, yet one would be hard pressed to find a Native American in the US away from the reservation. When encountered, they would usually be mistaken for something other than a Native American and always, always they will be speaking a foreign language, usually English, Spanish or both. Forced to abandon their native language, many young Indians today cannot speak their native language and others won't speak it expect to other Natives, and while blacks can occasionally be heard asking for â€Å"reparations† for the wrongs that were committed against them during slavery (those who were wronged are dead) such that their ancestors (those now alive) get to reap the benefits for the suffering of their ancestors, nobody is available to speak up for the Native American who still suffers today in ways that blacks and other ethnic groups do not. Certainly, blacks no longer have their native tongue, but it was not forced out of them in the same way and there was no effort to Americanize blacks.   To the contrary, blacks were maintained separate while the effort towards natives was more like the extermination of the Jews in Nazi Germany.   Whites on the Plains sometimes killed Indians just because they were Indian somewhat like the extermination of the aborigines in Tasmania who were actually, literally hunted down to extinction! Between 1803 and 1833 the Aboriginal population of Tasmania went from 5,000 to around 300 and by early in the 20th century they became virtually extinct, their original languages lost.   Native Americans were intentionally subjected to a similar fate and today their languages are also being lost, this despite the fact that the language of the Navajo code talkers took part in every assault the U.S. assault in the Pacific war against the Japanese from 1942 until 1945. The very languages which helped to save America were not allowed to be spoken among the Natives!   What right do blacks and others have for reparations for what their ancestors suffered when Native Americans are still living basically on reservations in the 21st Century and get virtually nothing? There is no doubt that the survival of the first Europeans to America was due in large part to the ability of the native peoples already here to survive and thrive in this country—in their own land. Even today, each year we celebrate Thanksgiving because we realize that the new visitors to this country owed their survival and existence to the knowledge and ingenuity of the native peoples who were already here. Yet, most Americans today fail to realize the true diversity of the native peoples who already existed here when Europeans arrived. It is estimated that humans lived in North America up to 12,000 years ago and perhaps as much as 40,000 years ago certainly calling into question Bible stories of Adam and Eve a mere 6,000 years in the past. When Europeans arrived, the Native Americans were a vast diversity of cultures, nations and religions that ranged from one coast to the other, people living together in harmony with their environment and with their fellow Native Americans at times, living very much out of harmony with their fellow Native Americans at others.   As was true in Europe, all was not always calm and peaceful co-existence between the various a sundry â€Å"races† and tribes of the Native countries. Native nations differed in terms of their religious beliefs, cultural habits, dietary habits, migratory habits, religions and more, sometimes bringing them at odds with one another, especially in terms of competition for food and perhaps at times for living space. The American mistreatment of the Native peoples they found here began even before the Revolutionary war.   The very natives who saved the lives of the first colonists and pilgrims were treated like second class citizens or not as citizens at all.   By the time of the Revolutionary War, Native Americans had already felt the encroachment of the white Europeans on native lands.   When over two-hundred Iroquois, Shawnees, Cherokees, Creeks and others visited St. Louis in 1784, they were already feeling displaced. One said, â€Å"The Americans, a great ambitious and numerous than the English, put us out of our lands, forming therein great settlements, extending themselves like a plague of locusts in the territories of the Ohio River which we inhibit.† (Galloway, p. 158)   In May 1830, the Indian Removal Act was passed in Congress. It authorized the president to negotiate treaties to remove all Indian tribes living east of the Mississippi. This led to surveyors, squatters and a campaign of harassment against Natives such as the Cherokee. While the Cherokee Nation brought a suit against the Act, Chief Justice John Marshall declared that the court had no jurisdiction over the case since Cherokees were not U.S. citizens or an independent nation. (Garrison, pp. 1-12)   This is certainly a sad state of affairs for the Native peoples of American, one for which there has never been a true champion and which has great significance for the way in which Native Americans still live today. Early in the 20th Century, Joseph Dixon wrote an aptly named book entitled The Vanishing Race that detailed many of the struggles and travails of the Native American. With all of the struggles and travails of the Native American, it was not until December 8, 1911 that President Taft signed a bill passed by Congress granting a United States Reservation and the erection of a National Indian Memorial (Dixon, p. xx). Dixon speaks of an â€Å"Expedition of Citizenship to all tribes of American Indians†, an effort to extend friendship to all Indians and to have them unite so as â€Å"to raise the same flag and sign the same pledge of loyalty and receive at the hands of his representative an American Flag†¦that they might call their own.† (Dixon, p. xxii), but while at the time, this might have been viewed as a sign of advancement by white America, it was no more than further evidence of the forced assimilation and continued mistreatment of the Native Americans who were being robbed of their land, their customs, their language, their religion and forced to assimilate into and assume the American culture strange to them and certainly not their own. For example, Calloway speaks of how the far ranging Comanche bands came together as a nation in the 1870s after they were confined to a reservation. (pp. 339-40)   These nomadic people became a â€Å"Nation† more or less because they were forced to do so. In the 1870s and continuing through the 20th Century, native Americans in defense of their homeland who had once suffered military attacks (and still did in the 1870s and beyond) from invading Europeans suffered a different king of attack, the efforts to Americanize the Natives, an effort to reform the native â€Å"savages† as they were called by forcing them into the European ways of life.   Indians were relocated, forced to wear European attire, to cut their hair and to speak the European languages. Christian missionaries played a large role in this effort as the missionaries simultaneously tried to convert the â€Å"savages† to Christianity and to Christ.   As reformer Helen Hunt Jackson put it in her 1881 book, A Century of Dishonor, those who believed that the United States should extend their blessings to the Natives could see that what was happening was just the opposite. Natives were being â€Å"(shot)†¦down in the snow.† (p. 335) It was a concerted effort to remake the Natives by transforming them into the image of white America and it was met with resistance by the natives. Natives, many of whom migrated with their food supply, the weather and the seasons, were forced to adapt to and adopt strange, European ways. While Europeans claimed a kinship to the land, that kinship was very different from that of many natives. The idea of owning land seemed strange to the natives, and being tied to a specific region to till the soil as farmers was not the native idea of kinship to the land. As Europeans pushed West in their quest for â€Å"Manifest Destiny,† they progressively displaced the natives by killing their food supplies, searching for yellow iron (gold), stealing the Natives’ horses and more. Chief Joseph said, â€Å"For a short time, we lived quietly. But this could not last†¦The white men told lies for each other. They drove off a great number of our cattle†¦ We had no friend who would plead our cause before the law councils.†   What Chief Joseph saw happening was common all across the new continent—new to Europeans.   After the Civil war, the efforts at Manifest Destiny continued and increased. â€Å"Winning the West† was a national goal that led European settlers to move into native lands in greatly increasing numbers. So, the native peoples were being robbed, displaced, involuntarily acculturated, tied to the land in ways that were very un-native, and more. While Europeans forced natives into one compromise after another, the growing sentiment among the invading Europeans was that Indians should be treated as wards of the government rather than as independent nations. (Galloway, p. 271) Today Indian tribes enjoy the unique political status as sovereign nations within the United States, a status they already enjoyed before the arrival of Europeans. They have managed to regain what they lost at the hands of the Europeans, but only after paying a terrible price and being nearly exterminated and what they have today is only a shadow of what they had in the past. Certainly, Americans are essentially oblivious to the plight of the Native Americans.   There has never been a successful spokesman for them, no eloquent Martin Luther King and Cesar Chavez for the American Natives.   Those who existed in the 19th century were quickly killed, imprisoned or ignored as were the few whites who stood up to champion the cause of the Natives, among them former President Herbert Hoover. Therefore, today, while many Americans are at least vaguely familiar with the plight, suffering, indignity suffered and torture of the African slave, few Americans know the true story of the Native Americans and their suffering, suffering that continues even to the present time.   We need a better understanding of what they have suffered in the past and what they continue to suffer even in the present, how they were dispossessed from their lands, moved elsewhere and basically ignored even to the present. Finding a reasonable way to compensate them will not be easy.   Indeed, compensation is probably impossible.   Who can compensate the Tasmanian peoples now that they have been exterminated?   Likewise, who can compensate the Native Americans not that they have been dispossessed and nearly wiped out?   Their story is one that is seldom told even today and is generally distorted when told.   Can we as Americans continue to live with this situation?   Perhaps we can, but should be?   I believe that the answer to that question is, â€Å"No!† References Dixon, Joseph Kossuth.   The Vanishing Race. The Last Great Indian Council.   Philadelphia, PA: National American Indian Memorial Association Press, 1925. Galloway, Colin.   First Peoples: A Documentary Survey of American Indian History. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's Press, 2004. Garrison, Tim Alan.   The Legal Ideology of Removal:   The Southern Judiciary and the Sovereignty of Native American Nations.   University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA, 2002, pp. 1-12. Jackson, Helen Hunt.   A Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings With Some of the Indian Tribes.   New York, NY:   Harper & Brothers, 1885. MacCleery, Doug.   The Role of American Indians in Shaping The North American Landscape, Forest History Society, 2 November, 2004, 12 June, 2007.